On a serious note, earlier this week I had a discusion with my cousin Ty about relationships.
It got me thinking I need to write another post on relationships.
Now when I ran across the image above it made me feel something that I haven't been able to admit to myself for quite sometime. I want a wife. And even more so, a child born from a marriage under God. That I believe would complete me. I mean look at that picture. Doesn't it seem like thats what we are here for?
Whats happen to us in these times where something as simple as that has become so very difficult. So difficult in fact that some of us do whatever we can to have it even if it's so very far from perfect. We settle. Maybe because we're simply tired of trying to find that person we spent so many nights dreaming of, I mean hey "when your thirsty who cares how dirty the water is, just give it to me!!" Hell most of us been drinking dirty water so long we're grown acustom to it. Life goes on.
Me. Well. I don't smoke, I don't gamble, I don't drink(much anyway). I've manage to sway the from attraction of addiction. But I remember when i fell in love with someone who was bad for me. It was like crack. I lived to be with someone who was no good for me, still trying to get that first high I got from them the first 3 months, but those months were gone, and so was the high. I know i'm not alone, so why do we do that. Not only that but when is the line drawn. Well my line was drawn when I realized(in a rare moment), that I couldn't remember the last genuinely good time I had with her, and all the arguments and silence inbetween made me realize the person i fell in love with was a lie, and nothing more. And it has to be that way.
Leaving her was like detox, I couldn't sleep, I was jittery, cold sweats,(hehe i'm really trying to paint a bad picture here). But ya know I was basically trying to fight the urge to call her or answer the phone when she called me. And just like when you quite crack you can't go back to hanging out at the crack spots, or the crowd and activities you had when you was getting high. So I found others things to do with my time. And i'm good now. In an effort as to not be long winded I'm gonna wrap this up with. If you find yourself with someone who you know is bad for you, don't listen to your heart anymore because it will betray you. Couples will argue but time should bring people closer together not drive them apart. If when you think of the person your with and there are rare moments you think of them and smile your adiction has become an affliction. Life be it too short or very long is still a one time gig, don't waist it on someone who's not uplifting you.
You may miss that one where things come together making you,
Completely Whole