I was born in America, as my father before me, and his father before him and so on. America is my home, my motherland. I eat from this land(for that matter so does most of the rest of this world.) I'm gonna die here one day as long as I have a say in it.
Fuck africa, it's as foreign to me as Russia.
I once had the pleasure (if you wanna call it that) of hanging out with a bunch of africans and for the most part, they don't care much for us anyway, and I could care less. I recall them saying that all we do is sing and play basketball. Also a comment was made that we don't take advantage of the opportunities given in this country. You come over and read all them books with a free education, and don't know nothing about Jim Crow. So I need to get all I can out of my country and you live next to a diamond mine.
Black roots huh, my black roots began on a boat trip after some african sold one of my ancestors to the white man. And after Nate Turner, MLK, and Malcolm X, you radical niggaz telling me I should just say fuck them that (among others) got they ass whipped or killed just to say "man we've come so far here, but ya know what? Fuck'em I'm just gonna go back to Africa."
Yeah right.
On the real though, day to day I don't have a problem with africans, I'm not even thinkin much about them. I just feel like they the next best thing black americans been trying to look up to next to the wihite man, and that ain't cool. We need to focus on our heritage here, cause we ain't never gonna be africans again, we been thru too much for that kind of thinking. I ain't never been to africa, and I don't plan on going anytime soon. Been too busy anyway tryna figure out whats going on with us here in America, my country, my home.
Word up.