Success is all around me. My home, my cars, certain love interests, money and friends.
Not to mention the music. The music which has taken me so long so get heard by those who would listen, and get me away from this simple happy life.
I left the studio yesterday and heard what is to come with a jubilation I've never known before hearing my own voice to songs I wrote that take on a life of thier own. I'm reaching the summit of a climb that has taken so long and I thank God and Jesus that from this high position I've been placed upon, I can watch the dawn.
Still....something wicked this way comes. A new calling that has frieghtened me I must admit. Unknownling I've chosen a path that cannot be retraced so I must pray for strength. In this life what else is there to do?
Did I mention I hate chain letters.
Damn I feel so abandoned and my faith in my fellow kind is fleeting with the days. Not saying I'm much better. We all seem so selfish. Why so insightful Anthony, why? Sometimes I wish I was ignorant, happy with what is put before me, and believed in Santa Claus. So tired, so confused, so focused, and so hopless. I just wanna be ready to die. Not meaning that I want to or that I don't. I just don't wanna give a fuck. My favorite word is Serenity.
I need that. I'm cold. My heart is broken and my health fades with my lack of optimism. I don't want advice, I just want it to go away. Or maybe I just need help.