"Respect is not expected but it's given cause it's real, being neglected is the norm, so expect it." -DMX-
Ya know, it's rough when you try to be real about things, and just say what you feel. Especially when the people around you are fake. I've made my mistakes in life and when brought to the light I can access and admit guilt if need be, I even try to better myself from it best I can. I'm the type of person who expects and isn't bothered by the fact that people can and will talk shit on you behind your back, but isn't it worse when you find that the shit is coming from someone you would call a friend? I'm sure I've written something on this topic before.
I can't deal with people I call friend, talking shit behind my back and smiling in my face. If you have a problem, just be real about it and tell me. Some of these people actually hold a grudge for like 3 years. You don't have anything better to do with your time?
Tired of people not surprising me, and doing dumb shit. Tired of looking the asshole at the end of it. Tired, tired, tired.
A message to the youth, - "these trials come with living your life."
Side note. Don't be too surprise at who chooses what side in the fallout, but I'm sure you will be haha. Hell I still don't even know completely why I've lost half my friends, though most of it was just over bullshit. He said, she said, jealously, envy, spite, or a greater loyalty to those who chose the route furthest from mine. Time is changing me to stone. How do I have friends when the closest have let me down so badly? Is it me? Am I just too big of an asshole for anyone to deal with? I wish these fake folks was real enough to tell me before they hated me for being no better than them. I mean don't we all have our shortcomings you sorry muthafuckaz!??? (that was a rhetorical ? for you slow ones)
I just wanna live man, I'm doing me. Chill the fuck out. I'm not taking anything off anyones plate, I'm too damn busy out getting mine. I'm so hungry about it I step on toes sometimes, I'm not trying to fuck anyone over, I just be too damn focused sometimes. Ya know, friends are there to put you in ya place sometimes too, it's not all about the sunny days remember? Sometimes it's about the rain. The damn gloomy ass rain.
I used to call people out on here really bad years ago, but I won't be doing that any more, maybe I'm just growing up or something.
.............. Otherwise I would name names tonight.
"Every breath I breathe until the moment I'm deceased will be another moment ballin as a G" -Tupac Shakur-
Believer that.