This is Gary International Baller,
Seducer of women, poet, writer, ok dresser,
Young, black, and just don't give a fuck.
A guy who likes others to hear him taking a piss, and a guy who happens to be my best friend.
Me and Gary are also the last of those who once walked tall, yet slightly to the left compliments of various liquor and beer. Occasionally we still manage to get a bunch of no good lackeys to come together and have a good time. This isn't an easy task mind you when you hang out with a bunch of guys who hardly ever get to see some real pussy up close and personal. Sometimes we are forced to use threats, money, or whatever creative form of seduction we can to make this delicate process happen..............
Aww fuckit here a quick run down of those once in THE CLiCK.
The MenRyan -The Bitch/especially when it come to women
Matt -The hermit, no one really knows whats going on with this guy, or even how to
contact him half the time.
George -The Tall one, he says he'll show but doesn't, an ingenius manuver mind you. It
completely destroys the prospect of confrontation. I mean hey, the guy says he'll
show. When the party gets going, no ones gonna leave to find him. And much
later when you do catch up to him, the excuse is wide open and your too
exhausted from the other loosers to even debate it out with him. (Plus he's a
really cool guy)
Jim -The guy who's always at work and still always broke. Plus he's like a Gatekeeper
fanatic. I'll give him one good thing though. No bullshit, pretty straight
foward guy.( ex.--Hey jim ya wanna hangout? RePLY-->>Yes/No. Ya gotta
50/50 there , but he's true to his word.
Aaron -.............shit man i don't have enough time to write about how fucked up this guy is.
Maybe i'll just dedicate a post decribing the anatomy of the modern hippy later.
Tommy Flo and Greg the sideick--The same two guys me and Ryan took to a strip club and
these muthafuckaz pull out thier gameboy advances and start link playing, Man right in front of tits and ass?!?!
Need I Say More? I think they'll get thier own post aswell.
The Women-not really viewed as women mind you, due to lack of attractiveness
Angela -Gary's eX girl(hehe take it bitch, you dated this chick)the only chink in his armor,
why he dated this girl no one knows, not even him if you ask me. In a word she's
crazy. Getting a ride from this bitch is an experience, she likes to talk so much it
conflicts with her attention to operate a motor vehicle, and thought most don't say it
she goes to far with all that spirit talk. In the old days she'd be burned as a witch and
if you met her it wouldn't take long to see why.
Nadia -Also crazy. Though I wouldn't consider her a bitch.(She dances behind the fine line)
Never the less Nadia is Muslim, and she doesn't help us understand her religion any
better than the jackasses who flew into the World Trade Center. She has this gang of
brothers that'll fuck you up if they even suspect your more than a friend to her, and
a sister who acts as an informer. I think what i still don't understand is why she hangs out with a
bunch of infidels like us. Knowing we share none of her views what so ever about
living in this fucked up world. Some of Stuarts dying words was to stay away from
shis woman(str8 up). She puts our lives in jeopardy every day just off association.
Of course I will say Nadia has her good moments, though few and in between.
There are others but i just wanted to point out the once key players.
Now, if you pissed you name is on here i have three words for you. Eat a Dick.
Your association with me is public property now, and theres no use in me apologizing about whats already done. Also, if theres something you didn't like about "Me" then put it in the comments I really don't care. Half of you people don't even know who I am anymore, I'm sure much of what you say won't even on reflect who I am today. Besides i think it'll be good content for the page so give it a go.
I BALL and you know it.