This is an excerpt from one of the the many times two ballers just happen to meet.
This usual shit talking was recorded live via aol instant messenger, a look into the mind of two equally hardcore ballers.
LesTears =Anthony(Lessence)
Shhhhh, quiet pls.
Hyaughitable: 120 gigs Bitch...
Hyaughitable: I ball
LesTears: muthafucka
Hyaughitable: take it in
LesTears: Caligula bitch
Hyaughitable: I'm cleaning the bathroom
Hyaughitable: army of darkness
Hyaughitable: being watched as i type
LesTears: Dawn of the DEAD
LesTears: EAT IT
Hyaughitable: fuck it......
Hyaughitable: Spider-Man 2 bitch
Hyaughitable: yeah
Hyaughitable: i got that shit
LesTears: I got the movie and the game bitch
LesTears: I BALL
Hyaughitable: I got the game that's actually good
Hyaughitable: X-box
LesTears: DAMN
Hyaughitable: sitting on the 120 gig hardrive
Hyaughitable: TAKE IT IN
LesTears: shit muthafucka
LesTears: --the plot thickens--
Hyaughitable: ?
LesTears: thats why i'm getting my dick sucked tonite bitch
LesTears: I BALL
Hyaughitable: no comment
LesTears: hardcore
LesTears: yeah take it
Hyaughitable: consider it taken....for now bitch
LesTears: bitch
Hyaughitable: yeah
Hyaughitable: motherfucka
LesTears: hehe
LesTears: thats how every, "hey man whats up: should go down
Hyaughitable: haha....indeed
LesTears: by first proclaimin baller status
LesTears: intensely
Hyaughitable: still got Lesane? did i spell that right?
LesTears: yeah, and yah
LesTears: downloading another demo from game spot

I am curious as to what the concept of “balling” is. I myself am not a “ball-er” so I feel I could use a lesson in the concept. What does it consist of? Does it deal with an attitude; things you own; things you’ve done; what? Does it deal with how you are towards certain people you call your friends, enemies, women, what? And if you consider yourself a “ball-er” to what degree does that become only a front versus who you really are? Say, for example if you owe someone money for something that was once theirs, but now in your possession. You carry on with your “balling” with new this and that, sushi at least twice a week and yet, have no principle as to paying back what you owe. Does this still deem you a “ball-er?” And if you feel yourself a "ball-er" then to what degree? Any answer? Any principle?
Ballin is doing all that shit at you leisure and still paying off any debt you've incurred. If this is a test towards my own "ballin" dominance, i'd say that it is unwise to doubt me.
In conclusion, I'm not Aaron, and shame on you for doubting me. Mark my words. "YOUR EYES WILL SOON BE OPENED"
I am the doubting thomas, my friend. Not once did I compare you to any one. There is no question as to your balling abilities. There is only a question of my own self. You are a hero in my clix, but hopefully not Galactus... I need not say more here.
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