What is love?
And for those of us who are religious when does love with the things here on earth, conflict with the devine one.
I was deeply in love with a woman once. I can stand here and say that for me, love wasn't very logical. A bit insane if I may. A spiral, out of my control......with moments of speechlessness.
And sometimes I tell myself that God took this love from me to get me focused back on more important things, like him I suppose.
My LOVE for GOD is also an episode of it's own. At times intense, but then a bit incoherent.
You see he doesn't speak to me, even when I beg for a simple hello. Some have told me this will never happen. I take it in. Then I wonder "If I was left on a deserted island at the age of 4 and some how lived to see 26 thru an assortment of fruits and vegetables, who would God be to me with no one to lead my train of though. Lately I've told myself that there is no point in trying to understand a being who is infinite, but then he may not truly understand me, like old people who forget what it's like to be young.
I've sought to find God's LOVE in a womans eyes. Like the Eve to Adam. Someone on this plane who would expand my reality to different avenues beyond own horizon. Unfortunately I just end up getting head, three months of protected sex, and a headache. Occasionaly thinking of the Love I once had.
When does you'll get over it, begin?
Anyway. Time passes, mentalities change, as they do. I've grown as a person and being alone has given me time to really look at things. And accept others. Paradise Lost.
As of late, I've submerged in music, my writing, my work, and thought. I have regrets to perge and a person who's always been there to better know, myself. I contemplate the future alot and ways to simplify my life. By the way I Dream alot more.
As for love, be it mortal or devine, it's out of my understanding right now.
But I stay humble.
And thats cool.
Who do you love