The Hate U Gave Lil InFants Fucks Everyone.
Tupac's words sure enough, yet I've noticed in my short time on this world hate enfluences alot of things.
Earlier today I kinda got into it with my good friend Gary, over some bullshit concerning two other people. And it wasn't cool, but he kinda pissed me off. This is a Rant.
My HATE runs deeps. I'll share it with you.
I'm not looking for simpathy, just a bit of understanding.
Alot of times i feel like the victim they like to point the finger at.
My father fucked me, see when I was 15 my parents divorced, not special happens every other day i'm sure. And when he remarried I lived with people who degraded me, stole from me, and really just hated that a breathed the same air as them. And he of all people turned his back on me when i needed him most.
I've grown up a loner in the truest since of the word. When i needed people they turned they back on me. Or stabbed me in mine. I've slept under the night sky and experience the hardships of not having.
I watched my mother cry as her life fell apart, and seen the true hearts of men amidst the day to day politics. And though i may be just a statistic I know i'm special. God showed me so much to make me strong. And still i'm really soft inside.
Now i've mentioned Ryan before in my posts. He was my best friend and my brother, so i loved him as one. And he fucked me. Perception is all we have in this world. And from where i stand his deciet runs deep. I've forgivin this man and i'm working towards getting over all that happen between us, so tell me why can't my peers just let it be. So I'll be the first to say it now as i've said before so many times. "FUCK anyone who has a problem with the fact i'd rather not see Ryan right now, you can suck my dick." FUck you. You don't know my pain true enough, but atleast be sensitive to it and stop throwing that shit in my face. You can be in his place just as well. A woman told me something back when i was 16 that i've found to be true in the years past and the coming. She said i wouldn't keep company with those who didn't treat me as i felt i should be treated. This may doom me to be alone the rest of my life true enough, but at the same time it may also only tighten my association to only those who take life as seriously as i do.
Don't be little my pain. That man pained me to my very soul. My "Get over it" is a work in progress. Btw for those who's advice is to get over it "Fuck you". You could very easily be put on this list with him with that attitude.
In regards to this post the recent incident with Gary is the cause. You lost rank today. Quote me on this. "I'm sick and tired of you giving me messages from muthafuckaz who wanna talk shit or degrade me in some way. See not only are you considered a friend, you are currently considered the closest. I tell you damn near everything. You pass these bullshit messages to me and then annouce that your done with it. Like i'm the one whos suppose to stand there and take it in. Who's side are you on anyway. You know me better than them, your suppose to speak for me when i'm not there. I mean shit I do it for you, and have done it might I add.
And this is Public now cause you didn't wanna talk about that shit on the phone well guess what. You won't get to talk about it again anytime soon not because of me but because of you, you closed that door hard ass, you close that door on someone who would go to war for you."
And to everyone else who has an opinion on the way I run my affairs, fuck you. Cause I see now regardless of how cool i am with people, and how much shit i let go, it's fucked up how theres not much tolerance when it comes to what i may be going thru. You need to ask yourself are you a friend or foe. and then STop Fucking Contacting Me.

I've done it for you too, and currently still am (despite what you may think) but that doesn't me "I" Can't be sad over what transpired either. You tell us that it takes time to heal the wounds Ryan left and I understand and completely agree - and back when this shit first came down I was there telling people "you can't rush this thing they're going through, [Anthony] will talk when he's ready." But understand nothing hurts more than seeing two people I'm close too - to one day start hating each other. And though I can respect (both) your wishes nothing hurts ME more than seeing both of you turn your back on each other. Now I'm not saying that you or Ryan or wrong for it but just as you say I shouldn't tell you how to feel (and I try not to) I'm saying don't tell me how to feel. And I get angry too. Angela went crazy, Stuart put a bullet in his head, Matt hangs out in a dark apartment by his damn self, and you and Ryan stopped talking and because of that I see less of both of you now. I have few friends left these days, and with me leaving it's not going to get any less lonlier. And losing the friends and family I have lost puts some shit into perspective: It's not really fair when God/Fate/Whatever takes away the people you love - and all I'm saying is we should treasure the few people still with us now. That includes you, and in my book of friends, that includes Ryan too. I think I've done a good job of keeping both of you abreast of how the other feels and not giving into other people's request to invite you both over to the same place at the same time. But you have a right to feel as you do, and Ryan did some fucked up things (I think the key problem between the two of you was communication, I've said this before and no one person is to blame) so I can't change that. But I also can't change the fact when I think about times - or "Paradise Lost" I feel melancholic and it breaks more heart (possibly) as much as it does yours. You, along with George and Lisa are one of the very, very few people I can depend on without question. I won't apologize for what I've said, because this is what friends do sometimes - we argue, we piss each other off, we fight, but at least we speak what's on our minds and I can't apologize for speaking what's on my mind. And I can't expect you to either. If none of this makes sense, attribute it to the fact I'm speaking out of passion more so than accurate recollection and journalism precision.
Now thats a rebuttal.
Some of you should take notes from this guy.
I pick my true friends well.
I'm touched, I think that's as close to an "I love you" as I'm going to get on this public forum - and I'll take it. I love you too.
I'm touched, I think that's as close to an "I love you" as I'm going to get on this public forum - and I'll take it. I love you too.
u two...ur love...keeps me in a constant smile...2009...and now u two are all woo-woo & in love (in a non-homo way)!! YAY!
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