This picture says alot about human nature.
The ability to kick a man when he's down.
And how a man reacts to his peers when they take shots at him.
This is a rant. Again.
My minds is racing at the moment and I'm gonna assume it's because once again i'm slightly pissed off. Anything goes right now. I came home and got an email from my "Good friend" George and i was delighted. See he doesn't do that much if ever. I've also noticed that he's been calling me lately as i go over my messages in the middle of the night. He wants to talk to me I assume urgently it crosses my mind that it's about some money I owe him, but I tell myself that thats already handled so it must me something else. Man was I wrong.
The fact that I ball is in question and it's due, I mean i've been doing too much that last 30 days, even faced some adversity. I'm making it happen though.
Ya know what i'm not even gonna get into anymore details about that because i'm sure we'll handle it, but i would like to say that at this point i don't care for the outcome. But I would like to say that when i purchase things from people they get paid. Yet and still aside from Gary i'm still doubted and that bothers me quite a bit. Unfortunately the powers that be demanded more money for me to rest where I rest and I paid them. I've actually been sitting at this damn computer screen for over 30 minutes trying to see if I was being irresponsible in this matter. But then i think of all the hours I been working to handle monthly bills, and still pay my dear friend George, who (probably dealing with that fact that Aaron has not paid him much at all.) wrote me to question my life style and what i do with "my money" as if until I pay "him", it no longer is.
The angel on my shoulder says "Apologize to him more than you already have and tell him he'll get his money as soon as possible, then offer to suck his dick, it might help."
The Devil on my shoulder says "You've spoken to this man and informed him every step of the way on whats going on, he's seen you on many occasions and smiled in you face, and even told you it was "cool man", then he took this cheap shot and called you out online and questioned how you get down as if you was taking a shit on him. So do just that.
Never-the-less, I will continue doing what i'm doing I'll let him decide on whether or not to be the cool guys he acts like he is in my presence, or the asshole i got an email from earlier today.
I'm gonna go to bed now, see i'm tired from slaving away at work to pay off friends and my ego, i'm cool with that though.
Fuck yall!!

I have read this post a few times now and can't help but feel that I need to look at myself some more than at others. I am twice my age. I weigh three times my body. I am nothing but tired. You can place me into any category you choose, but I can't tell you in which. I am a burn victim. I am an ugly soul because of it. The only good that has come of this post is now maybe you know a little bit more about me. The only other good is to know you have an angel on your shoulder... mine have all left me. Everyone stays at an arms length away. It's safe for them there. When I see you, I will hug you and maybe ask for you to hug me back. When I see you, I will ask if it's ok to borrow your angel from time to time.
My angel is mine, you see she's my dead sister Tiffany. I'm pissed but I'll sure you that she'll always make sure that i keep you as a friend as long as you will have me. But i need your trust more than anything at this point in my life when so many have turned their backs. I relate to you the most because i have been burned aswell, and i'm sure it runs to the soul. Forgive me for my leisure, my shine, my ego. Because regardless of what my demons say, I can be pissed and still forgive you.
Too much thanks to give here on a blog, but I will tell you every chance I get my friend.
I'm gonna tolerate the Lumberjacks "comment" (if thats what ya wanna call it anyway) for about a week, then i'm gonna delete it. Oh and i second the "WTF"
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