I'm so happy these days.
Incase ya wondering why I haven't been updating my site lately, it's mostly because I've been intensely writing music for the up coming ONlyOnes Album thats been long over due. Finally i was able to convince Tom Fool Aka the STikFiga to sit down and do a album with me. This my friends is a match made in heaven, I've had so much fun working on this project that it doesn't even feel like i'm working. We hooked up with this white dude (Shoop), who's gonna be producing it, and recording will be done by the well known Johnny Quest.
Those close will get a copy, but I hope you'll support me by letting making the next guy purchase it rather than ripping them a copy. Although i probably won't care much either way.
We did a lil backstabbing to make this happen, and i hope the third party doesn't hold that against us, it needed to be done.
Theres not much turning back now though, I'll be doing shows. I mean thats just the way Tom Fool gets down and i know he's not gonna keep this stuff we working on bottled up. I'll be cool although at first i'm sure he'll be upstaging me, he's a great showman and i hope to be as good as him in time. Anyway i'm gonna end this, I'll be back atcha with my usual really soon since we're almost done. Till then.
Thanks for comin out.
God Bless you.
Tha OnLyOneS

Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
I have a world sex record Check It Out!
*looks questioningly at the post above* Er...anyway, congrats man, you deserve to have this happen, and although I already had an idea this is what you've been working on for awhile it's good to hear you happy about it and sharing the news. You're making me have to step up my game - I need to get some shit published soon myself...
UNM has been good to me, I did attend a party thrown by one of my professors for all the creative writers. It got a little crazy...no one was called white bitches, but people were wearing each others shirts by the end of the night and I'm pretty sure I saw boobies...
Anyway, congrats my man, it's good to hear someone else is doing what they always wanted and enjoying honing their craft...
Is it just me or is this going to be shit hot?
it's good to know you are doing what drives you... all the best (good to see good things are happening gary's way as well)
i'll leave you now, but soon or not, we will see.
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