This thing makes me feel like superman. I mean you can actually "cruise" at over a hundred miles an hour and it's nothing. I'd consider myself more cautious than wreckless compared to those I ride with, but it doesn't take much to get a rush from these things.
Now I get the usual when those who know me see me pull up on this thing like, "Be careful, ride safe." I can understand that, but for some reason that just rubs me wrong. I like to compare it to telling a actor to break a leg. Bad luck. I'm gonna be careful and as safe as I can, but shit happens and I've accepted that. I got this thing knowning that and besides, I wanna live more dangerously. Like a friend of mine says, "No point tip-toeing thru life just to arrive safely at death." Personally if i had to pick, I'd rather die riding my bike than choking on a chicken bone, or getting shot or stabbed or something. And shit like that goes down just going out the the club.
Taking the good with the bad, the good is that women really like bikes, breast feel really good on your back especially when you gun the throttle, and riding around feeling badass is an ego trip in itself. I'm still hoping my biker buddies don't make a monster out of me. I know Gary has thought to himself by now, "Aw shit, I done left for graduate school, and look what this crazy muthafucka got himself into." My reply is "Hey man you need to get a bike too."
The Black SuperMan has arrived.
"Some people hate me but others can all agree.
Yeah he's an asshole but really I lovit the way he speaks to me"
Yall be cool. And watch out for guys on thier bikes.

That is a damn cool bike, I must say. Big-Wheels are more my speed.
I really don't understand why you have to be so arrogant all the time. I like your little quote, but we don't hate you, hate is a strong word, lets just say we don't like you very much. Today we had a few words with one of your friends, she's very protective of you. I still don't see what she sees in you but hey we can't help who we like, anyway this will be my last comment so tell your little "friend" she can back off. And by the way, nice bike!
Thanx, and by the way. Though it may not be you,(whoever you are)some ladies do hate me.
oh, by the way...is that the same bike you had? I thought you had a ninja? Did you trade it already or am I tripping!?
Hey Lessence, I like your bike, its "a damn cool bike" as evilbender said. I also enjoyed my ride on it and looking forward to riding again. Your site is nice I am enjoying reading your poems and the posts left by others. Anyway this is a new friend of yours no names need to be revealed...we talk on a regular maybe u will figure it out that way. see ya later
Wow I'm a fool I read this how long ago?? I thought your bike was red, I see your ass all the time so just so you know it's not that Im being shady, and yeah buddy I did call (you know who this is) you just never call. And to answer your question with a question " Are you happy"??
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