This is a rare (or not so rare) look into the realm of the ho and the men, and women for that matter who exploit them.
And I quote..............
"I don't know if I'm gonna talk to you today, so you'll have to read this, yeah I know it saddens you that you might not get to talk to me. Hey what can I say I'm a busy girl.
Anyway, saturday night, I think it was saturday, yeah well go with that. Okay saturday night, I go with one of my friends (who will remain nameless), okay so I'm with this nameless friend, wait I gotta back up let me tell you how she tricked me first. She called and asked me if i wanted to go out to eat, so thinking nothing of it I said yeah.....so we go out, we eat, we talk, then she asked me if I would come with her to pick up one of her friends. Shit it's her car so I said sure. So when we get to her friends I already knew who she was talking about, these are the same no good niggaz that i used to kick it with......(shut up man I was younger okay, YOUNGER). Anyway so when we pull up I was like no I don't want to go in, I guess they saw the car pull up because then a few of 'em came out. So now I'm like "fuck" so they get to the car and was like "I know thats not *---* sitting over there", so by the end of the conversation I'm in the house. So we're all sitting around talking, you got people drinking and smoking but not me of course, I gotta say aware of my surroundings, so about an hour pass and then some other girls show up so they start playing drinking games, Anthony you should have saw these girls and what they were doing. There were bitches butt ass naked, it was one big orgy, and I don't want to stay and watch but man it was interesting, females were freaking females, males in the corner getting head, man it was crazy....and i just kinda sat there, what was I suppose to do. Anthony I found out my friend is into girls.......what if she tries to turn me out.
Okay that was one of my stories, the next actually pisses me off because my friend Layla, I told you about her, she's the one with three kids....you know what i'm just going to tell you the rest of my stories over the phone because this is email is getting too long and i'm tired of typing so you be looking for my call."
More to come folks, she has others but that was the funniest one. I told you to stop hangin out with them hoes girl, that what you get. Hopefully you'll continue to not listen to me though this shit is good. HOLLA BACK Yall!!
although i must say this story is quite interesting, does your homegirl know your telling her hoe friends adventures? shit fuck it don't tell her anything, she may get mad and not tell you anymore, you said she has more stories tell the viewers what's up.....she should write a book. You know I'd hate to say it but what if your homegirl's not so innocent...hey birds of feather you know the rest. tell her to get pictures next time i'm sure she has a camera phone.
damn, slow down. i'm sure this is a girl i'm speaking to. Okay first let me say that i have her permission to write this blog. Second, i really don't care what she's doing with her life, I intend to exploit these goings on for my own sake. Last I think pics of the hoes in question might get me in some kinda legal trouble. Oh and don't worry there will be more to come.
Exploitation is funny...
I wish I had some hoe story's to tell you I must be pretty damn boring! How ob earth do we talk for hours at a time and I not have good story's like that? I would like to see picture's too.I am a girl, just not the first one!Im just to embarassed for you to know I'm keeping track of thing's you do! Kisses, although I know how you hate them. Do you Babe.
what happened to rest of the stories?
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