Ok, ok. I begged and begged enough so now that I have a post from "The Gary", I'm gonna go ahead and........post it.
He told me if I didn't like it then "fuck me", but I'm not gonna judge, I'll let you judge. Don't be gentle this guy teaches writing. lol.
Here we go.
"If you could have ONE superpower what would it be?"
Classic question right? The kind of question anyone can answer, whether they're a comic aficionado or a college professor. However we all hear the usual answers: Super strength, flight, invisibility, blah, blah, blah. There are two biggies that most of us would pick without hesitation: telepathy and telekinesis.
With telepathy you can do damn near anything-convince people to give you money, tell people you hate to go and kill themselves and walk away legally-legit, persuade ANY woman to fuck you. And telepathy doesn't mean mind-control-you can do all of these things to a person and leave them convince they wanted to do them. Similarly, with telekinesis the sky's the limit: you can fly, explode people's heads, move mountains (literally) and give yourself some extra protection if you've found yourself involved with the police or the stereotypical crazy niggaz we all run into from time to time.
Granted both powers are good there are so many others out there that warrant out attention. So without further ado here are a few powers I personally think are interesting.
Most of you are somewhat familiar with Multiple Man since he was in X3 this May(a terrible movie in my opinion but thats another story) and the movie simply didn't do him justice. I mean, heres a guy who can make duplicates of himself and although the multiples have their own individuality they still- more or less, do what he wants them to do. And did I mention all of the skills the multiples learn, he learns and retains as well when he re absorbs them? Think about it- you could make a dozen multiples, send them all out to do shit: learn Japanese, study programming codes, practice drawing/painting, whatever. Then, a few months later, re-absorb them and suddenly you know how to do all of those things! I suppose, if you had a freak girlfriend you could double-team her all by yourself(Dr. Manhattan ddi it in the comic book Watchmen). Hell, I'd do it- I don't mind seeing my own dick. But we could take it to one step further- let's say you're bored one day(after all, in a hypothetical world, just because you have a power doesn't mean Dr. Doom or Magneto's down the street causing you to dedicate your life to eradicating evil) and you make a multiple. Let's say you tell the multiple......to suck your dick. He does. You re-absorb him. How you know what it's like to suck your own dick- how it tastes, everything. With that said, lets move on.
Let's stick to the X3 theme here and take a look at Mystique. There's the obvious: you can shape-shift into anyone= the ultimate thief. You could commit any crime and as long as you looked like someone else, you'd never have to worry about the cops (unless they got there before you got away). Also you could shape-shift into people with access to shit (even your neigbors, if you knew what they looked like and knew someone was home- y0u could practically steal an entire house), and of course-shape shift into the opposite gender and see how the other side lives. Which we would all do, at least for a day or two. Don't fucking lie. Now the interesting things. When Mystique changes form she completely changes the physical appereance and mass. Which means to turn into a slightly bulkier version of yourself, or slimmer version, you can. Also, you'd never age! You could keep a twenty-somthing body your entire life(and it may even extend your life). That alone seems to be worth it in today's world. Oh, and you could fulfill that lifelong fantasy of wondering how a hermaphrodite funtions.
This last one may be good....the Scarlet Witch was a one-time Avenger and the daughter of Magneto. She went crazy not too long ago in the comics and tried to kill alot of people, blah blah blah(another story for another time). But basically her power is-she can manipulate the probablility of anything. The simplest example would be, say she buys a lottery ticket and then uses her power. Presto, she has the winning ticket. That alone may well be worth it- you could become a millionare without having to do anything illegal (unlike nearly every other power, including telepathy). But she can also just make shit happen that simpy shouldn't happen-anything improbably can happen if she wants it to. She could probably give other people powers by messing with someone's DNA and so forth. She too, could get away with murder. Don't like someone, make their house collapse on them. Basically- it's like telepathy only your not messing with someone's mind. And in many ways, it's better. Walking down the street one day you find 1st class ticket to Japan discarded in a trash can by accident, then you run into a trove of women who all want to have a dick sucking contest with you as the judge (or men who want to do a pussy eating contest, whichever) and then you walk by a dealershit where the salesman is going bankrupt and selling cars for a few hundred bucks a piece. Shit like that could happen everyday if you had her powers. In a comic she managed to get herself pregnant just because she wanted a baby. Shit is crazy.
Well, three is more than enough, I think, so I'll stop for now and maybe Anthony will let me follow up with some more unusual character powers someday. In the meantime though-if you could have any superpower, what would it be?
(You can't say Superman.)
I'm out....

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