Change of pace.
First of all allow me to say that I consider myself a Christian although I express a certain amount of curiosity and respect for all types of religions. Lately I've been ranting quite a bit about a certain subject and so far I've been given no support or understanding for the way that I feel. I'm hoping to change that tide of opposition today.
Where to begin.............
Ok, as christians, who believe in christ as Lord and savior, and who are encouraged to have a personal relationship with him all through our daily lives, sometimes it bothers me that none of them even know his favorite color. Or for that matter what his favorite food was. My point is, think of every other relationship you hold with so many others in your life and you know and for that matter should know everything thing about them. But how well do you really know Jesus. The disciples spent atleast 11 or 12 years with him before he was killed and they never just spoke of a day when they was just kickin it, everything mentioned of him was so pivital, critical, and dramatic. I'm simply saying that it took away something that I don't think people really grasp at times.
JESUS WAS A MAN people, he slept, ate, pissed, took a shit, all of those lil things we are all burden to do from the pretteist face to the most unappealing person you can think of in your life. The MAN blew his nose, passed gas, add body odor if he didn't wash, everything. Those things didn't take away his glory if you believed he was the Son of God, or that he was God. He was an example of how God intended us to be even with all the ailgments that come along with being human in this world. And maybe it's a temper tantrum but I want more, like anyone would want more when they are in love with someone, I want to know him more personally and I think we all should. I can't sit down and worship like Catholics do because it's seem so ceremoniously drawn out and staged(no offense), but when I think of all the people I love in just plain human nature, I don't approach them that way, which is probably why so many more can't relate.
My site/blog is named after a book a read some years ago, very hard read. It's subject is about original sin, the tragedy behind Adam and Eve's transgretion. But it made me realize that sin didn't orginate in man, but in heaven it self when Satan took arms again God. Jealously I believe is the word(amond other things might I add). It interests me alot how people relate to God, inpart because most assume that I don't, but it's not my fault that can't see it.
I just don't like when you take so much from a person, that all you end up knowning is the legend.
Yall be cool.