The thing I treasured most in life was that this word would not effect me. For the most part the last 2 and a half years I've manage to no give a fuck about what any woman I was involved with was doing when not with me. Hell usually I encouraged them to look else where for thier own good. But now we have a probem. I'm talking to "her" on the phone now as I write this post and the topic of cheating came up. At first I gave myself the illusion that I was simply trying to see how much shit I could get away with, but that cheating shit is played out. Besides I've done enough messing around and it's gotten me no where fast. But then it hit me. Dare I say it but I think I would be highly pissed off if someone even touched her sexually.
So now I have to wonder what that means, and how I'm gonna deal with this new found emotion that I've managed to ward off for so long. I really enjoyed not giving a fuck, shit how could this have happened. FUCk!!................. maybe it's cool, maybe I don't have to be one of those couple people. I can do this. What am I saying now, because I have no idea.
Cheating is the farthest thing from my mind right now though I must admit. I think the fore front is the expectations. the remembering birthdays and other random responsibilities that present themselves when you become involved with someone. Oh yeah and the actually giving a fuck that sucks, and still what can I say but, "hey, I really like her."
The fact that I've found someone I really like is beyond me. I just hope supporters and haters will just take a moment and if nothing else be happy for me. I'm really just a lost soul trying to find my way home.
Fall back and let me shine for a minute will ya.
Yall be cool.

Oh, and being someone in a relationship, himself, I'd like to think the advantages of "really liking someone" far outweight the disadvantages...so congrats, man, you deserve someone good for you. But I still gotta know who she is!
Well I am happy for you to the fullest!! Enjoy what you have. Don't let rummor's and lie's come between you. Peopl might just start saying that you have been doing thing's that are not true..be strong my friend what goes around does come around. Jealousy is a terrible thing and when you find happiness as a person, there is alway's that one bitter woman. I hope you have not scorned many, or lied on any. Take it from one man to another......bask in these feeling's and absorb them they are great.
Wow Anthony, all I can say is it's about damn time, maybe you should quit tryna analyze the situation and just go with the flow. And for all the haters out there I say fuck'em and they can go straight hell.
But anyway I too am truly happy for you.
Cool this is going well. This is becoming too much of a journal lately. Back to the topics of discusion next post. And there will be no more of my personal "personal" life for the public to view.
yeah you was getting kinda soft for a minute there, i think you pissed some people off with this post. what happened to all the people who thought you were talking about them in the "present government speaks" post? It's funny how they don't have anything to say now, maybe i'm just starting shit so i'll leave now.
Simply_me: You did bring up a rather interesting observation.….I would love to know where all those women are as well. I am just thinking maybe they have not read the post yet because this is a rather interesting one if I don't say so myself. Personally I do not think the dirty word of infidelity is a inherited trait. I think it is just another sin put on Earth to destroy love and relationships.
Lessence: You are not being soft, your just revealing that you can show emotion toward another person ...there is nothing soft about that....takes a REAL MAN, thanks!
But yeah maybe you should keep your "personal" life off the internet for the World to view.
OH is your new chick not Ms. Simply me?? She sound's a bit jealous! She will reap what she sow's she sound's like quite a hater herself!
Weakness4Luv, you are absolutely right, and I don't think there's anything weak about Anthony....I really was just playing with him. Anthony when I called you soft, you didn't take me seriously did you?
And for that last comment, I don't know what you read to make you think he was talking about me, but whatever. I really could care less about what you or anybody else think of me, I don't write on here for you, I do it outta love I have for Anthony as a friend.
Man I hate that anonymous feature.
Thanx nikki and know i didn't take anything you wrote negatively, I was actually gonna thank you for saying what you said...I was surprised and i liked that. Yall leave nikki alone, she's my homegirl 4 Life!!
Or atleast until I move or soemthing huhu.
Oh will you please stop taking her side. What kind of hold does she have on you? The sex couldn't have been that good. I'm really surprised that she's not the one your talking to. I think that once you get her out of your life completely then you'll be so much happier. I really think she's only around for the things you have, not for the person you are. Just take what I just said into consideration, that's all I'm asking
The funny thing here is that there are two of us who will, since you despise the feature Nikki keep usin anonymous. To the on above me I agree 100%, if he knew half the problem's she has tryed to start latley he might have a diffrent opinion. So I am glad I am not alone in thinking she is wrong!! Take it in!
What I can't seem to understand is why people come to this blog site to rant and rave about their own personal issues and feelings toward each other??? People seem to do that rather than leaving comments about the post written by the author. Funny how life is...oh the methods people use to stir up drama!
brownsugar i don't recall nobody asking for your opinion keep it up and i'll have some words for you too, this had nothing to do with you.
Well telling it like it is as for my opinion I speak freely at anytime I want and there is nothing you can say to stop me. You need to grow up because no one directed the comment toward you so keep my name out your mouth. I'm ending this bs here. I don't have time to argue back and forth through words on the damn Internet.
Don't worry people i have to power to make sure this person is not heard. Anon who ever you are, i like that you say whats on your mind, but if you know me you know that I can be quite selfish at times. In other words, yes i only write these things for feedback for me, if Nikki's gonna be the focal point, then out of jealously i will delete any comments you make or begin pre screening altogether before they can show on here, but i don't wanna do that, so make sure that you visit for me or not at all.
thanx a bunch. tootles.
Man I am happy for you. I also feel you on what you said. I am back in the same whirl wind of I don't give a FUCK attitude with these women. Not that I am out to destory them. Just want them to know that when you got a man you need to go the distance to keep him. Because we all know that women out number me, so that mean you can be replaced. Think About it!!!!!!
This is to the last anonymous.....
So what happens when you are willing or have gone the distance to keep him and just like the rest your just another girl?!?!?
Woman work so hard to find a good man worth spending all their time with just to hear those famous words " I don't want a girlfriend right now." As a result you have good woman who have been hurt numerous times by men because for some reason they think oh this one is different, he is sincere when he tells me I'm the only one. I am starting to think love is a bunch of crap...I don't wanna be that type of person but over the years of being hurt I think I may end up that way.
You still haven't gone the distance. Perception can be decieving and it maybe that you gave up on something that wasn't over....you just saw it that way.
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