Fresh of the plane from the ATL, back in fucking Topeka. A highschool dropout who came back. My pursuit for the coveted HS diploma is sidetracked by who else but women. Incase your wondering I got that diploma though.
Sept, 1997
Hey whats up? I didn't think I'd ever do this and I bet you never thought I would do something this dumb to get your attention. Justin was supposed to ask you what you were doing tonight but he insisted that I do it. I'm not sure what to say though. I finally got the courage to call you and I left a message at your work, but some guy named Tony called back. I'm not sure what we're doing yet, but if you're not busy would you like to do something with Justin, Jenn, and me? Justin's meting us at KFC around 11:30. It's no big deal, but it would be really nice if you came with us. If not that's fine. Well this was really embarrassing.
I'll let you go.
p.S. Did you know Justin thinks you're attractive? Just wondering.
Well thats kind of how I figured he felt when he described you to me./
(Damn near every girl Justin introduced me to that year like me. He was getting tired of it, and that was just an ongoing joke at that point. Wish I had was he said wrote down though.)

So are we allowed to ask questions about these letters?
ask away
What do you expect to gain out of putting letters that I'm assuming were written for your eyes only? And what are we as readers supposed to comment on? "A yo Anthony, you da man!" (haha)
I can't speak for everyone but for me, if the majority of the letters sound like the one you just posted wouldn't these posts be kinda redundtant? But then again this is your shit, and you can write whatever you want. By the way everytime someone doesn't agree with you, it is in NO way a form of hating.
Lessence, I would like to know what's REALLY going on between you and Simply Me?
So would i actually. My first reaction was "Fuck her". But I'll reserve that for lata. There is a point to all of this trust me. I really don't mind if you don't see that right now. And NO they all wont be like this, it's only the "First One". Oh and sounds to me like you are Hating. Don't come here if you don't like what I put on here.
Probably just mad cause it aint about you.
Anthony you need to MAN the fuck up, and stop being so sensitive. First of all I never said there wasn't a point in your little post, my question was what do you expect to gain out of it, but at this point I don't even care. You are the most judgemental person I know but god forbid saying something that Anthony might not like. I really don't know what to say about the I'm probably mad because it wasn't about me comment except for it's bullshit. Regardless of what you or anyone else might believe my world does not revolve around you. And if I recall correctly you are the same person that called and told me what you were writing before you even put it up so don't try to play me for stupid.
You might have other people on here walking on eggshells, but I'm not the one.
I cannot believe he came at me like that, but I guess I'll take it in.
And to you, I really wanna know, There's nothing going on between Anthony and I, that's a headache I really don't want or need.
Good God do we have to do this in comments! You could have called me instead. Thats right I did call you.
So why and the fuck didn't you say all this over the phone. Why now on my comments page? drama, drama, drama. Man up? Aight. While I was manning up, I read your posts. I don't get them, whats the point? What do you expect to gain from them? I've been writing what I wanna write for almost 2yrs and now you have a problem?
Get over trying to figure it out.
This is gonna happen.
Can i get some real comments pls?
Anyone? Please.
blah blah blah just let the man write whatever makes him feel good if ya don't like it then stop reading its that simple obviously you like it because you keep coming back
Man, I never knew blogs had to give some type of epiphany or convey some sort of meaning that might impact your life...in fact, if you're reading internet blogs expecting to gain something, maybe you should pick up a fuckin' book instead. I hear those are chock-full of thought-provoking, life-changing words.
and the 'you' is general to ANYONE who reads this blog expecting to have their world changed.
...and I can't wait to see what turn these letters are going to take...I'm popping popcorn as we speak.
Yeah after today I think I'm finished coming here. My questions were not written to offend you. It's obvious my point was missed, as for the other comments that were written those I'll ignore, because none of you know anything about me, so therefore it's not worth a response.
well said gary
Nikki don't sound so defeated. You asked him if you could ask questions he said yeah. So just because you asked some real life questions he gets mad and then tries to talk crazy to you, which we all know is your biggest pet peeve. I've read the questions over and over and I can't see what made him so mad, and I sure don't see where it said anything about you expecting to gain anything from it. The question was for Lessence, What does Lessence expect to gain from it? I've been coming to this site for awhile now and never felt the need to comment until now. You've never said anything bad about this guy, EVER. And if anyone else tried to say something bad about him you always put a stop to it, but I'm failing to see the loyalty on his part. Maybe it's best that you don't come to this site anymore, even though you do make it interesting. Nikki I read your blogs all the time and I know you write them to see the responses of the crazy women we call our friends. I personally know you get a kick out of hearing their fucked up advice, so even if Lessence doesn't see the point, I do.
Well put Temeka, I'm willing to listen to reason. I may have taken it the wrong way, but I don't get the question.
Whats does anyone attempt to gain by writing a blog? I'm just writing. "Paradise Lost" In my first two posts I said this site would be about my past.....this is my past. I've written so many other posts. Why is this course of direction such a big deal?
Good points. I always thought the purpose of a blog was to vent/talk about the stuff the author wanted to talk about. And these recent posts seem to at least address other things that we haven't seen or heard from Anthony in the past (remember when he used to write posts that tore people new assholes? While I admit, it's still fun to read those old posts, I do like the steady progression of this blog). And so.....um...I forgot what the whole point of this forum was suddenly. Maybe we could move on to the next post...
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