I know now that I need to leave this place. I'm not from here and it's draining me. I worry about my path in life if I continue it in the state of Kansas. I'd almost forgotten how weird this place is since I first got here. I think I've been engulfed in it. I've manage in my daily affairs to loose more friends early in the year. It has become customary for me to loose friends here.....lol, maybe it's just me. Really I think this place is just draining me. I'm getting really sick of women especially as of late. "AND NO I'M NOT GAY, NOR TO I INTEND TO BE". I just can't stand the stupid shit they do. The mood swings, the shallowness, and at times just down right mean, and thoughtless, self centered types of attitudes. And I didn't come to this conclusion just because some woman broke my heart. I run into alot of women doing shows, going to the club, as well as other social gatherings...... or again maybe it's just me, though i doubt that. I could go on for days on that subject.
I really think it's just the people here though, and at this point I feel I've worn out my welcome here. This is not my home, I'm gonna stop telling my self it is. I've really sat and thought this out though, I need change. I need to get away from here. It's just not realistic to up and move at this point with the way things are going in this economy. How does one leave a life as materially blessed as mine to start all over again in a new town? I'm open for suggestions because I would very much like to make this happen.
My heart is broken though. I've lost faith in the people around me as well this place I'm forced to call my habitat. I'm ready to make it all a chapter in my life that i leave behind.
be cool yall.
ps. I know I'm down now sorry about that yo, but stick around. I'll smile again.
See it's not just me. Told you this place was horrible....glad you finally got it. The world is yours for the taking, indulge it. Never too late to call another place home, don't let your status keep you here. You have started over before. Get to a place where you can smile again and genuinely love being there.
I believe you my friend are wrong!! You need to analyz urself at the moment. Stop running from the things I want ! you might also try and allow your self to let you love out...and I mean out! Things could be so much diffrent at this very moment in your life if you weren't so damn gaurded! I love you.....people love you! Be you and be happy doin it.....but please stop pushin people away due to fear, you have so much to give and there are people who have a whole lot they would love to give you. You my dear are one hell of a great guy! PS. I deperatly want/need you to stay. ( even if you hate ME at the moment).
Funny, this coming from someone who i believe to be the same person who no longer trusts "anyone" including me. The same person who's been lying to me for the past 6 months. And the same person who decided to stop coming by and calling when they found friends. LOL, don't piss me off tonite. Pls
haha damn
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