It's mad funny how everyone is taking shots at my character these days. Soooo..... I'm a lying, backstabbing, weak ass, selfish, egotistical, arrogant, asshole, fake sonova..... oh hell you fill in the blanks. Half the people who read this probably have their own negative word to describe me.
I read things. People tell me things.... I think you are funny. Especially since these same people called me at some point if not still... a friend. I could sit here and play the role like that shit don't bother me but it does. I could easily put some things about All of you who talking shit but I won't. And the last post about John, that was really being easy on him. And like him some of you I really had a lot of love for, in spite of my faults. These last few months have been crazy for me, but things turned out like I knew they would. So first I wanna say fuck you to the doubters. Second, when I was down there were some I really thought would be there, you weren't... So fuck you too. On specific shit I suppose we could get into that but I would like to put it like this.
What did I do to you??
I mean really. When I got issues with people I take it to them. You don't have to figure me out. I don't mind that type of confrontation. Especially with people I have to deal with on a daily basis. So if I'm coming to you about issues I have with you. Why do I have to hear or read about you talking shit or having a problem with me? What kind of shit is that??
And I'm selfish. Fuck you people man. FUCK YOU!!
I get all this silence and shit in person. But then I get you hear all this shit you got to say from other people and on the fucking internet.
I would be in your face about this shit right now if you wasn't str8 cut the fuck off.
:) So now I hope you "get the fucking clue." Aside from my blog, I really don't run around telling lies and spreading my propaganda on people. I'm wiping my hands clean of this place soon any way so fuck it.
And once again.
Fuck you.
Anthony I really wish there was something that I could say or do to make you forget all this madness...last night I saw a side of you that I've never seen before. I could hear the anger in your voice, and I saw the hurt and sadness in your eyes. Seeing you like that really hurt my heart and I felt helpless because there was nothing I could do to make you feel better. In the middle of your rant I thought back to when you were going through much harder times....hard times that I witnessed myself, hard times that I listened about in your songs, and hard times that I read about in your blogs...and through it all you're still standing tall. There's no doubt in my mind that you won't get through this...you've proved time and time again that you have the ability to overcome obstacles in your life. I think you should try really hard to put this craziness to rest. People may call you a lot of things but one thing we can all agree on is the fact that you handled yourself as a MAN should. There was no bitchassness on your part....(lol I love that word.) So chalk this up as a learning experience and continue to move forward...there's really no point in dwelling in the past. Work on getting your peace back and don't let anyone steal your smile.
P.S. I'm really going to miss you when you leave..interesting huh?
Love Always,
yea i bet
Sorry to see you are still not smiling, seems like that day is soon approaching.....as you and I are not friends anymore and I may even be on your list of "fuck you" I would not wish the things you have encountered on my worse enemy. I will continue to wish the best for you. Just continue to keep your head lifted to the sky as this storm is almost over.
I was pretty emotional when I wrote this. Maybe I was acting like a bitch (if that was referring to me
). Anonymous is all ways an option. Other than Nikki, I posted those other comments to illustrate what I'm talking about. Because even when I see you (in person) your anonymous to me anyway. I'm acting like a bitch. But you are bitches. I say what I say. AND I PUT MY NAME ON IT. Anyone who knows me knows. There ain't no bitch here. Even you fakes out there know it. That's why YOU hide behind "anonymous" with your fake comments. Thank you for teaching me.
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