"Your WEAK and your a COWARD."
That's what she said to me.
Let's proceed.
Comments like these just don''t phase me at this moment, in this life. I know my story, I know what I've been thru. And I KNOW where you was while I was doing it. So someone who has known me for now more than half my life decided to put me down in that manner because of a personal beef you have with me that you cannot let go. When we was teenagers you did your dirt. Even PHil said that in more than a few ways your getting what you dealt out back then. Anyone who reads this blog, knows my story. My teenage years were hell, and I learned to thank God for every moment of it because all i had to be great full for just getting thru it. Parents divorced, getting robbed (numerous times), treated like shit, being homeless, no electricity (when i had a home), hungry, and all the other shit that comes with living under the poverty line. WEAK?! A Coward?! I hated excuses as a child. I didn't have anyone telling me to go to school, I told me to go to school. Yall niggaz had homework after school, I HAD to go to work after school. I mean the shit was not an option. And still I can't front, it was my friends who looked out for me in ways my "family" couldn't and/or wouldn't. And you was one of those people. You know my story. And you can sit on the line and say shit like that to me? Talk to me in ways I never would to you. What you interpret as my weakness is actually my love for you, because I don't let people talk to me like that. And just maybe you decided to come at me like that because you know you can. Maybe I'm really weak because of the niggaz YOU been fucking with. These cats aren't treating you like you got treated in high school and now your game is upside down. Because you WAS a starter back in the day, not now.
Hold up, lol. I'm moving in the wrong direction right now. See this blog is about ME. I took time to analyze the quote at the head of this blog, and really I don't see it.
By most standards I'm successful. Let it be judged by my money and my assets, Or just my shear WILL to persevere. I have worked hard to be where I'm at and live as I do. So I really don't need anyones judgement to justify my cause. My testament is my justification. What's yours?? See when things get bad for me, there is no mommy and daddy to run to. I took care of me long before you even knew what that meant because my back was against the fucking Wall. I am too damn proud of myself when I look back on this crazy ass life I have lived. And I am truly thankful for it, because I have a story to tell. And it is a good one.
Now here is my quote.
"I grew up a long time before you. My track record says I don't let people get the best of me and dictate how I intend to live my life. And you already have............. playa."
Peace yall.
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