Sometimes I wonder what dreams are made of.
If nothing more than a desire.
A place your mind goes that the physical self cannot follow, for it's own shelter.
Because a mind needs sleep, the body does not.
These vivid dreams of pure imagination have left me wanting at times. I recall a book I read, "The Alchemist" by Paulo Choelo, and I wonder if this world is trying to tell me something I do not know about this life.
This...... self.
is surreal when you really stop and think about it. Like WoW, this is really happening. I have never found such awkward moments in a dream. And on those two planes, is it sad if you feel as if you have lived more in your in mind?
Is this a time in life when you should emulate those dreams as much as you possibly can?
Just as well, maybe our dreams are all that await us on the other side of life. We do after all prepare our own heaven or hell in a way. My dreams are busy, wonderful, places, with distant lovers and sunsets beyond anything I have seen with my own eyes. And as in life each emotion is played out with far greater intensity.
Hate, fear, love, loathing, sorrow, and pain. Scores of original music by my self and at times the likeness of others in my life. This is my NeverLand. Sometimes I've begged God to take me there tonight. I need to start writing them down. NO, maybe I shouldn't bring that part of me here. Where it would weather in time.
I don't eat there, seldom bathe, and then it is only for pleasure. None of the burdens of the physical. A sight of the blind where all is so vivid and blurred at once while focused on the now, the moment, the experience of an instant in it's full capacity.
Even now as I try my best to scribe it for you. These are words on the wind. There will be no comments on this post other than the occasional spam or clique remark.
And that's cool. This was for me and whoever I will be in the future, God willing.
And I suppose dreams have many levels of interpretation. Your potential, your limitations, your memories, your expectations, your ambition, fear, anger, stress, and wishful thinking.
What gets to me the most about all this?
In this world why do mind blossom and rise,
only to eventually whither and die?
But hasn't this always been a question of philosophers and like minds.
Good night.
BladeRunner excerpt.
"I've seen thing you people wouldn't believe.
Attacked ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate.
All those moments will be lost in Time........ Like Tears in the Rain......... Time, to Die."
Lol! Yes indeed.
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