The 4-play runs off the keystroke. Not the tongue.
And we can only touch the emotion thru gestures and kind words while we stare at the white screen which tells our eyes we are looking at each other.
Words manifested, written, and spoken in our minds thru this electricity.
Am I dreaming?
When someone captures my attention. It is almost always through the simple words we use each day. Arranged in a fashion so uncommon to my ear. Especially since I have been here, in Topeka.
Now at first sight. I would say there isnt much to me. Skinny black guy, token, smile. At hello most notice I am well spoken (depending on where my head is, lol). And in conversation I am a man of content, principles, and perspective.
Topeka, Kansas. You aspire to be a big city, but you have the mentality of a small town. And so your bright minds flutter away to the BRIGHT lights of cities you can see in the sky.
Everyday I watch the wind blow away these wonderful women like the seeds of a dandelion.
And this is my home.

The Dream.
I am suffocating under these keys. Sick of the ringtones, and message alarms. All my thoughts are in the clouds. And the thunder god is laughing.
To find romance at such a long distance. Intoxicated with only words and warm gestures. While resting in a cold bed only made comfortable from my own body heat, and a silence that leaves me in the very thoughts I am trying to escape.
Loosing consciousness.
to that soft voice over the phone. The Phone. It rang me from my peace. And while the voice is soothing, I only hoped it would have been preceded by soft lips upon my cheek. Instead I trade my body heat once again to warm the phone upon my face..... but I do not mind, the voice distracts me so much from these things.
Amazing how you can feel so close to someone who is so far away. But any place, is only a day away in the 21st Century. Our chains are our decisions, commitments, responsibilities, and goals made before we knew either of us existed in each other, in this way.
A Dream.
Surely you are but a dream. I cannot touch you, smell your aura, your exhale. Our physical selves are simply abstract in this format.
I do not posses you in any fashion.
I process you, in every fashion.
The electricity in my brain travels thru my hands, thru my computer, thru these electrical lines, to your eyes and processed in your mind, before the process is..... repeated in the opposite..... direction.
This electrical Song of Solomon.
Shared between us....... Ha. (And whoever else is watching.)
All the while we hunger for the past time of our species. A primal need to feed this flesh.
The scent.
The sight.
The touch.
The sex.
Still, for now. We are only left with the interaction of our minds. Hoping the first close encounter, when and if it takes place.
Lives up to This Dream, we have built up in our minds.
Patience, a true Virtue.
1 comment:
Deep and intimate...👍👍
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