Black ThoughtLaffy was coming to T-Town that night.
I knew he'd wanna hear whatever i was working on when he got there and i wanted to impress him. Laffy was the only cat who really believed in me and my ability to be a good writer.
Be it poetry, or ryhming on the mic.
And he put his money and beats behind(one of the bests producers in lawrence), thats priceless man.
On this particular night we was heading to Kansas City for some hip hop show on Main Street just down from Westport's four corner bar area.
I got three songs done that day "Nonsense", "FreadyFriday", and "ARtWalk"
Thanks to Greg I'd gotten into DJ Yas' beats heavily, I craved his beats and wrote to them often, "Nonsense" was what I considered the finest endeavor.
"FreakyFriday" wasn't really much to me, just some song i wrote to LL Cool J's "Doin it" beat, something for the ladies.
Now "ARtWalk" took me like 2 weeks to write cause the beat was sooo tight I didn't wanna fuck it up with some wack shit being screamed over it.
The beat was complements of "The Mighty Pythons", and man that shit was mind blowing.
Around 8pm he shows up with his wife, (Fuck me i don't remember her name) and i start playing what I got.
"NonSense" is up first, I still think that song is the shit, but it didn't move him much, shit he even started talking during some of it.
Next up was "FreakyFriday", he listened but didn't say anything, NO REACTION what so ever. Not even a comment when it was over, he was just sitting there waiting for the next track.
Oddly enough, actually played last "ARtWalk" was the diamond, I saw the twinkle in his eye, the smile crack in his face, and his head bobbin.
When the songe was over he demanded a copy, and i knew he as back on my dick.
Shine, Shine, Shine hehe.
Ok so we drop off the wife in Lawrence, and head for K.C.
The whole way out there "ARtWalk" is thumpin, over and over and over.
I think he's trying to memorize it, he's already talking about doing a show, it's been on his mind awhile.
I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed, though local, i think I've just wrote my first hit, atleast in my circle I have, and it's good. Looking out the window and into the darkness of the many Kansas fields, I take it in.
The Grand Finale.
We pull up to the spot, it's cool, the city was hype that night, and alot of people was in this joint.
The sponsors were rasing money to combat street violence or something like that, you fill out some survey, make a donation if ya like, then get some pizza and a beverage.
Meanwhile acts are performing on stage.
I think there was like 5 or 6 different performances, and most of them from where i'm standing were really doing the damn thing. Records are being passed out, sold, whatever.
I'm checking the scene and I see Laffy over by the DJ booth talking to this guy.
And i'm thinking "OH Shit!!"
The guy waves me over and asks me my name, my reply, "Lessence".
Laffy looks back and tells me "Man your up next."
I think I'm gonna throw up.
Theres alot of people in here and I'm nervous as fuck, but I've come to far.
I take off my jacket fessing up to what needs to be done, and i prepare myself to do something I'd normally flee from.
When your name is heard over a loud speaker and All eyez are upon you, hehe, it's a moment cherished.
The beat plays and it's me, it's my creation, I'm sharing a moment with these people and giving them a piece of my life.
"They like it, they really like it."
Camcorders are on, pictures are being taken, hell they started cheering as soon as the intro came on.
Beginning the second verse "
My motto's Lifespeed/Vibe with me/Words and melodies designed to reach/I'm on the block tryna find the beast/And hype the spot with my ryhming speech".Now i'm feeling the rush Pac spoke of, thinking about Black Thought, and Mos Def.
Tonight I'm one with those who made hip hop what it is today.
Tonight and from every moment on I can say that I was there, I was doing it, and it was good.
Free spirits