This is who comes to mind when i think of my dear friend George.
He's Greek by the way (ladies), though I'm pretty sure Alex was Macedonian.
(Probably the same nationality though)
Anyway I just realized for the most part that I know George, but i don't know him.
In most of our past get togethers during the click George was a no show, most of the people I used to hang out with are anti-social, and for the most part this was expected of George. He has a nack for leaving you wanting more.......in a "hetero" kinda way i mean. Other than when he's with us, I know nothing of his life, be it personal, or loose associations outside of the once forged Click. Oh yeah and he's camera shy.
Anyway Garys leaving soon and I realized that George very well maybe all I have left. And part of me feels like that means I have nothing. Que the vig"Gore"us, process of meeting new people and possibly going thru that whole cycle of getting to know someone, or ones again. And i don't wanna do that.
Oh yeah theres Lisa, but i don't think i'll see much of her after Garys gone, just hunch.
Maybe i should just do what everyone else is doing and follow some girl around town all day.
Hehe, lifes ultimate goal i guess....that and finding the True God anyway.
Back to George.
Anyway I come by and see the guy, wondering how Topeka's managed to hold such a talented drummer for so long, his spaceship just hasn't taken off yet. And i can tell he's not happy with his situation, so i wonder at night whats going on in his life that God would delay his flight.
(Light bulb flashes) Oh yeah, thats right!!!
We're nice guys and DOOMED to finish last.
We just aint deep down enough assholes like we need to be to soar like eagles.
We's just pigeons.
Alexander must have been one cool asshole.
The Greatest.

Like the ocean
Some folks shallow
Some folks deep
Like the soul
The shallow have the shore
The shallow ones are easy to see
The deep ones have a surface
Polluted from the world
But only for inches, some feet
The deep ones extend beyond
Into some dark blue soothing calm
And that’s where you would find me
Love, Hate
I am no better than anyone else
But there is no one better than me
George "The Whatever You Want To Think- I am not effected by anyone else but me" The Beat Modulation Machine From A Rhythmic Planet.
Well said, my brother.
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