I love black people really I do.
At our best we are simply amazing.
Our style addictive, our skin just screams soul, jazz, and rythm.
And I aint tryna sound all pro black africa back to the motherland.
I'm just saying that when i look at black folks I SEE the years of slavery, the butt of depression, the civil rights movement, and the everyday struggle of being black in america.
I met this white chick a few months ago who told me she felt like she was a black person in a white womans body. Immediately i'm thinking "this chick is full of shit". But i'm curious so i let her go on. And as she spoke i realized that she just liked everything that was stereotypical of us and so thats what she embodied. Now I've seen other shall we say "wiggers" like her and in my opinion, i was offended and felt like that was a form of racism.
See before she came to know me, she thought that i smoked weed, and didn't have a good job, possibly sold drugs and, well......she thought i'd be a thug.
I felt like because i was young and black then she profiled me, like the police do. And that didn't sit right with me.
And don't like people who glorify or put down those of us who are lost. Especially if they black.
I'll get more into what i mean by "Lost" in my next and/or future posts.
Another thing that gets under my skin is black folks who don't like black folks. I feel like as long as the children of americas slaves are still breathing and still walking this earth then theres hope for us. If you black and you looking around at the rest of us and don't like what you see, don't give me that I date, or associate with white people/latin people/foreigners, because i don't like this or that about my own people. How you gonna hate what you are, and if you do then "fuck you" when it comes right down to it. I wouldn't hang out with some white guy if he didn't even respect his own. And to most of you fake NIggaZ walking around out there hatin your own skin, you living off what so many died for. Think about how many of us died so you could even look at some white guy or girl, much less date them you lost and ignorant fuck.
Now i'm not a racist, I don't have a problem with interactial dating. And physically for the most part I know that we are all the same. But culturally there are differences that must be mutually respected. Something like that anyway.
As for being black in America, I love living the human experience from this complexions point of view.
Brothers and sisters remember, WE made this country rich when we were considered nothing,(via the cotton trade) and WE have always made major impacts on it's culture thru inventions, entertainment, and my simply being here. So hold ya head up and remember that you stand as a testament to what so many, black and white have died for.
I'm gonna go hop in my new BMW now, I'll catch yall in traffic.
can you dig it, Can you Dig it, CAANN YOUUU DIGGIT!!!
Thats MY Song

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