When it comes to women, I'll be the first to admit that I'm a slow learner. I can't really tell if a woman likes me unless she damn near spells if out for me. Also for the most part unfortunately I can't tell if a woman doesn't like me, unless she spells if out of me. In my current drunkin state I made the mistake of reviewing some of the feedback that I get from my numerous posts and one of them which has stuck with me everytime I read it. Unfortunatley "nikki" decided to send to me comments telling me about those of you who don't quite like me.
Needless to say that while I shouldn't care I found this troubling. I mean really are my views that bad when concerning women. I mean ya still gotta give it to me, I don't decieve the women who like me or take any interest in me of any kind. I'm quite honest on the contrary and is it really my fault if they choose to talk to me anyway? I may be closer to your hearts than I appear that this moment in time. I mean some of you I'm sure don't even know me, and from what I get wouldn't even like to take that chance to get to know me and thats not fair, cause to know me is to love me. I'm a really cool guy, I hear it all the time. I retrospect I really wish the gloves could have came off for just a moment when I posted that I was in an accident, it took alot of pain to sit there and write to everyone what I had just went thru, I'm still recovering from it. No woman for the last 3 years or so can truly say that I was committed to her, and in that regard when I do some of the things that I do thats my perrogative, I'm what I like to call "A free man". It's easy for me to tolerate alot of things people might, or have said about me because I don't have a problem with anyone, I really just like the feedback good or bad.
While I don't intend, anytime soon to take back anything that I've said on my blog. I will say that there is a purpose to my way of thinking. I really don't want to spend the rest of my days alone. I just know what I want and have no intentions of settling for anything less. A woman made me this way mind you and while it wasn't easy to see at first, I've thanked her for it more than once. I don't intend to make the same mistakes twice. Like any man I must admit I've done some wrong. Broke a few hearts, thought with my dick, etc. But damn, I'm only human. I'm on top of my game, I don't have nothing(if ya know what i mean), and overall I'm in great health. So whats the big deal. I dare any of my haters to take the chance to get to know me. But be careful, ya just might end up liking me. Nikki wasn't that much of a fool.
Yall be cool.........I'm going to bed.

Wow your a very big-headed person. You just admitted to using women for one thing. Then my dear you asked for more to give you a chance? I feel that you might be breaking or someone is wearing you down. But I will admitt at least you are honest, go get em Tiger and when your done you know where you really need to be.~ Get at me.
"Nikki wasn't that much of a fool" and what's the meaning behind that?
...did he admit to using women for just one thing? I didn't get the idea that he was just putting his dick in everything that moved. Not wanting to settle down and being a man-whore are not the same thing (though I admit, a person could transition from one into the other). But I'm a man too, so I suppose my opinion is already biased, right?
forgive me precious, I was drunk. New rule no more reading post comments while under the influence....maybe.
yeah right
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