Me and this guy meeting are like the perfect storm. It's good for us, probably bad for women who don't understand.
Mike? You take it from here man.
there is one thing in the world that men do not really understand, and im pretty sure everyone knows what i'm talking about. however, a man begins to understanda woman, even if all he understands how to do is get her in bed, he will take full advantage of that. it's wonderful when u find something that works. regardless of his intentions in the relationship, he will use what he knows and do what works. if he is a gorilla in bed, do u think he's gonna try and understand why he is that way? or maybe try and figure out another aspect of a woman. not until he has met his match. unfortunately, meeting his match might cause him to slip even further and continue to utilize his "powers." shit is sad, silk the shocker told me that it aint my fault. i believe that in a sense. being 22 and 4 years removed from a relationship of any meaning, i say fuck it. like my homie lessence(anthony), i have realized that it's pointless to try and start a relationship with a woman when all i really wanna do is see her naked. my step mom says i'm a pig so it's nothing new. some will probably say that i have a fear of committment. i'll put it this way. my first "girlfriend" had a boyfriend the entire time we were hooking up. men aren't the only dogs, women are just a little slicker. at the tender age of 15 i was smacked back and forth across the ping pong table like a bitch. one minute it was i love u and i wanna be with u and the next minute she was making out with her boyfriend right in from of me in the hallway at skool. good thing that only wasted 2 years of my life. finally i got over her, but it wasn't without further hurt. the next young lady seemed harmless enough so i wasn't scared to develop a little crush. after prom and about 2 months of quart ship(translation: we were "talking") miss caramel dipped queen, broke it to me. "i have been talking to someone since january"...Damn homie, in high skool u was the man homie. i really didn't understand this. Especially cuz her best friend told me it was in the bag. so months went by, and i guess thing didn't work out. so we started talking again and eventually "fell in love" at least on of us did. long story short, she was a little better than the firstbut it hurt worse. 4 years after u have the man that stands before u. lil wayne says it's best, but idon't wanna be too harsh. i am, for the most part, the way i am because i have been shaped by 2 women who treated me like a bitch. i used to be nice. all the shit that women SAY they want in a man, and guess what, i was still played like a bitch. needless to say, since then i haven't been hurt like that. i'm more confident and self-centered than ever. so sorry if women don't like to hear it but until i "meet my match" for the third time, a few hearts will get broken and a few back will too. holler at me if u need clarification or feel sorry for me. 2 girls really hurt my feelings, and i know it's not your fault......... but it aint mine.
What a year it's gonna be people.

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