New Crew, New Shoes, New Cars, New Ways to Move.
I like my new friends, and I'm not gonna even say "so far", I'm just gonna take it like it is right now. It may be gay so say but hey, "they really make me happy." I've met and communicated with those who would like to see me fall, and sometimes that weighs on me heavily, but right now with things being good I try not to let negative people get me down. I'm trying to enjoy the moment. I'm so focused on enjoying a life that was so hard and desperate just ten years ago that by any means I simply disconnect any one or anything that would ruin the eye of the storm that I'm in right now.
Life is short or rather is can be very short. I thought about this alot after my motorcycle accident(news update by the way I AM riding again.....slower though lol.) I take time to smell the roses, let somethings go, this would probably be a good time for anyone I've ever had a problem with to make good with me. It's like right after I got up off that road, something clicked in my head and said every second that passes from this moment would have passed without you, and left you where you lay. I almost cried probably six times that day and the day after, but no tears really came, just moments of intense emotion. At the same time I must admit that alot of the crazy things I did on my bike were because part of me wanted to die, not from depression or anything like that. I just didn't want to live to see the possible downfall that some of you want to come upon me. I didn't want to reap what I'd sowed, whatever that may be in the future. I didn't want to grow old. Yet and still I wake up every morning and I'm here. Theres so much more to that than just saying it. Two others died on thier bikes after my accident, a 19 year old named Leo, and a 24 year old named Robbie. And I was going faster than them when I took my spill, I wonder what that means sometimes. Maybe shit just happens. I know you people don't have great attention spans for long blog posts so I'm gonnna end it here with. I'm sorry for what ever I may have done to any of you. I'm just taking things as they come. You may not believe me but I cherish/cherished the presence of you all in my life and if I could I would take back the time to make things right.
Yall be cool.

I like the NEW you....I guess I really never got to know the side that you said no one likes but anytime you are being positive your alright in my book. You know who is responsible for you still being alive on this Earth...only the man upstairs can answer the question right at this moment...overtime you will learn for yourself your purpose for going through all the trials that God has set before you. Continue to enjoy life it will only get better from here.
Wow I must say that is a very drastic change from a month ago. I am so glad you found your happiness we knew it would only be a matter of time. Me, still the same old, you would be so dissapointed in me if you knew what was going on over here in my world. I know you are on the right track now. You know that's going to bring alot more to you then you would have ever belived. Well call me sometime , I do recall I got hold of you last! So don't give me that "Im just tryin to see who really like's me and will stick around" speech ,I know you better than you think. Maybe now you can look back on our conversation's and realize when I asked you if you were happy and you would reply with a " Yeah" ,maybe I was right. Good luck, to my never tell you wrong , to the point, very good friend. Even in the times we go week's without talking , know that I am here, I love you.
Man...just seeing that picture makes me want a drink or two with the old crew for old time's sake...ah well, as you say, life goes on and we should cherish the new friends we make along the way and preserve the memories we have as best we can.
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