I've often wondered what made a woman stay with a man who completely dominates her. I've heard the many excuses from the mouths of the beaten.
exp."He really loves me", "I wanna keep my kids with the father"(while getting knocked up over and over my the same man who routinely slaps you in the mouth as a hobby), and many, many more.
Now, maybe I'm jealous. I mean I've never to my own knowledge, been with a woman that i could beat the shit out of, call a bitch repeatly and still be able to come over next week to get some ass, food, and a place to sleep. Not that I would, but it would be nice to know that much of a margin for fucking up would be possible, because believe me my lil shit would be a walk in the park for a bitch built like that. Oh and why do I call them bitches might you ask? Because they allow themselves to be called bitches anyway so fuckit.
Now if your out there reading this and I've offended you because you are a victim of spousal abuse then lets be real. Should you really be mad at me for pointing out the obvious? Issues people and we all have them, I'm just glad mine don't involve picking myself up from the ground after someone I routinely have sex with just kick my ass over some shit like they aint know me.
The latter, Mr. Macho who beats women like he didn't have a mother. No, he was born from the sweat of Man, "I answer to know one". Then tries to break it to the homey's like it's cool. You see these people in action and you realize, he don't know anymore what it is to be a man than she knows what one is. I mean shit I personally want a woman, not a damn servant or someone who's walking on egg shells around me hoping I just don't flip and bust that ass, cause aint enough sugar in the kool aid. Str8 up, I've seen it first hand and once she lets the muthafucka know she aint going no where it will and does go that far, little shit got her holding her eye crying and apologizing, "What kinda shit is that?"
Anyway I'm just bullshitting, saw this picture, thought it was funny, and said fuckit.
I can't relate to that lifestyle, I don't understand, and that doesn't bother me.
My moddo "I don't hit you, you don't hit me." Plain and simple. No excuses.
Anyone who tolerates that either as self-esteem issues, or is just fucking stupid.
And if I'm ignorant in this matter, then my ignorance is bliss.
Holla back.

Shouldn't no one have the power to effect how you feel about YOU and if so then you need to find out who you REALLY are!
Anthony your a funny guy
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