I'm so Focused right now.
Hello people, how are you today.
Thank you so much for visiting and reading what it is I have to say.
By the way, if you comment and don't wanna socialize with me.
Anonymous is an option, so use it wisely.
In the words of the late Frank White (Biggie) "If ya don't know, now ya know niggaz." If you come to my site and leave a means of which I can contact you, especially if you are a new reader. Then quite simply I will, I honestly cannot help it. Because I want you to come back, with friends lol. This site as been moving along quite well for the almost 2 years, and I know more of you read than leave comments(which hurts I might add). Well, I have something for you today. I can't think of a better or more clever way to do this than just getting right into it.
I wanted more comments than I actually recieved on one of my recent posts but I was happy because I saw I had "new readers". I like to network and make friends to expand what I would like to call a fan base, I don't think I've ever used the internet to meet women or men for anything beyond that, anyone who knows me correct me on that if it's not the truth.
More to the point someone came to my site and left a comment and a means of which to contact them via the internet, so I did with a simple network request. To which they contacted me again on this other site and pretty much initiated dialect with me simply to be little, be cold, and be condesending. Do I deserve this? Really?
I came to find later that I was set up to fail with this woman (obviously). And while now I find it amusing and I thank her because I really needed some new material to write, and I've manage to think up two new posts from this one incident. Coming back to the point though, in the small spectrum that I may have looked on the situation all wrong. In the future people if you don't wanna be bothered, or you don't wanna go beyond leaving a simple comment on my site "Anonymous is an Option" that you are all welcomed to use. It is there for you. I have no hard feelings, I'm not mad at anyone, but to come to my site and leave a comment, then leave a link for me to contact you or know who you are, is well......stupid. That is, if you really don't wanna talk to me.
Luv ya!

All I'm gonna say is WELL PUT, and I agree 100%......oh and please stop using tootles
Tootles is tight.
To be honest I'd like for you to write more frequently than you do. I like to hear your thoughts an to hear your point of view on things.
I've read through your post a couple times debating whether or not to leave a comment. I want you to know I support you in your actions upon writing this post.
I know you did not deserve for this "woman" to initiate conversation with you then act as if you were bothering her the entire time even though she chose to continue responding. Some individuals are just plain mean regardless if they know the person or not. Everyone out there does not have your best interest at heart so please just consider that when establishing new networks.
Man Anthony now you got people thinking she's a mean person....AND SHE IS NOT. There is more to the story than what people know, and I told you she was having a bad day that day. Then again this is just me taking up for my friend, again.....sorry
I was not insinuating that the girl was mean. I said "some individuals" Also no need to say sorry(I know it wasn't toward me)but your entitled to stick up for your friends.
She was mean. Everyone should know.
I'm sure anyone associated with simply me is mean. Your little girlfriend doesn't seem to like the anonymous feature. I'm very surprised that she's taking up for anyone other than herself.
The girl tryed to set you up! I belive I know who you are talking about! She is a slut, simple. Your not missing out on much, but since she is Simply Me's friend, I am suprised she is talking to you, if in fact you really hit on the girl and tryed to run game as she claimed!And yes simply me can be two faced as well, I would watch my back's and open my eye's.... They have indeed lied on you before, or twisted your word's.Keep your enemy's close and please be carefull!
I guess it's my turn to laugh. :)
But anyway since you claim to know us, maybe we should sit down and talk face to face, then we can get a lot of shit out in the open. Because frankly I think going back and forth on a computer is childish, and it's really a bitch move (on your part).
And if I'm Anthony's enemy, then I agree with you. I think he should keep me close, I wouldn't mind that at all..... ;)
Simply Me needs her ass kicked shes jsut around for youre money, and someone needs to check her.
Damn is that how you feel? I still stand by my previous comment. I'm more than willing to talk to you face to face.
P.S. Just so you know, there's not a muthafucka in here that can check me. Sorry
Anon, Who are you?
Remember when people would actually talk about the posts...I miss those days...
It would be great if people actually left comments about the post. Great suggestion Gary!! Hopefully someone will take heed.
Why is it weakness4luv seems to think she knows everything! Who are you to tell simplyme she can take up for her friends, wasn't that obvious when she actually took up for her friend. If anonymous is an Option then lessence why are you asking who Anon is isn't that a little contradicting?
It's not that I know everything...just a lot. I can tell her that because I voice my opinion anytime I feel like it.
It looks to me like she didn't ask for your opinion. Maybe next time it'll be best that you kept your two cents to yourself.
Yeah ok whatever. As I said, I voice my opinion whenever I want. There is nothing you can say to stop me.
I didn't mean to put anonymous.
lol @ tootles, and this whole situation was blah.....
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