-Song of Solomon "Like a lily among thorny weeds, so is my girl companion among the daughters."-
"The Dime"
With atleat 20 years of experience in the field I think I can deliver quite an expert opinion on the subject.
Physical attibutes are in most matters a must, the apple bottom, full lips, breats arent' really a must but it would be nice to atleast have a handful. Flat tight stomachs are not only attractive but show character if you ask me. Good teeth are always a must, bad dentals can always fuck up the prettiest face. In this world we live in today, just about any man attributes are a no no.
Me personally, I'm a sucker for pretty faces, smooth skin, toned stomach, legs, and ass.
I've always thought women who grow up looking like they dad got a raw deal.
Personality and mentality go hand in hand. I like women who can hold they own in any enviornment. She don't just stand there with a dumb look on her face. Open mindedness with a touch of spontenaety is always a plus, that way things don't get boring. I really think it's good to be with someone that is just if not more attractive mentally than physically. The typical "Miss A-Team" is always on her A-game. She dresses better than me, smells better than me, keeps her hair done, doesn't wear too much make up. Her panties and her bra match, and sometimes they match with what she has on. She like to read a book or two once if not twice a month, and they don't have to be just sex novels, and she's just as smart as I am if not more, but doesn't hold it over me, or anyones elses. Religion is always a must but not blindy to the point that she could be led off into some kind of cult. Truth is to self.(Think about it...)
Quick insert here, theres a saying "I wanna girl when I wanna girl, and when I don't wanna girl, I wanna girl who understands that. " In other words please have a life. And understand that I have one too, I don't wanna spend all my time couped up under you. Every once in awhile I wanna be told no. I'll still love ya in the morning.
Ya know I've been one of those guys who quickly get bored with women. And ya know what? I believe that the most important part of a relationship is the beginning/courtship. Most of us like courtship so much that when it's over so is the relationship. An inside tip ladies, if a man likes you and you really, really like him. LOL, make him wait, and I don't mean make him wait for a week or 2, shit if you can make him wait like 6 months, man I wish a woman would make me wait like 6 months and still call me every other day asking me to come by while still showing a geniune interest in who I am. See if he really like you and you mean the world to him like he says or you think. He'll wait. WoW parents were right on that one.
Word up.
Maybe I'm on point maybe not. (I think I am by the way.) Try it.
Oh yeah if any of ya wanna send in a perfect man post, don't write it on the comments page.
Send it to me at aelrod1@cox.net and i'll post it for you. If I get more than one then I'll just pick which one i like the best and post it. Oh yeah send a pic to go with if unless you trust me to pick one for you. No Male Nudity On My Site.(I mean really come on).
Yall be cool.

I couldn't help but think of another possible preference/requirement: a certain aptitude for love-making? I mean she doesn't have to know how to do the "bionic seahorse" or the "upside-down coyote", but needs to do more than the "dead fish..."
The bionic seahorse and the upside down coyote....sounds interesting
gotta point there, damnit i knew i left out something. Interesting? Very, you should try it sometime.
Hmmm maybe I will, soooo what are you doing Saturday night? :)
Calm down people I'm just playing, or am I? Naw let me stop, I'm really just playing.
where did you find that picture of me????
i think i found the woman that u describe. www.vidaguerra.com, but back off cuz shes all mine.
didnt mean to be anonymous
Sooooo where's my perfect man post?
Well I did mention him being a good provider, becasue I potrayed my perfect man as being a family man. But maybe I should go write a blog about men that's not with their child's mother, and what they should willingly do such as child support, spending quality time with their kids, being a good role model, you know stuff like that. Hmmm I think I will, ya'll should look for that in the near future.
Call me impatient but I'm ready for a new post. Interested to read the post you wrote simply_me....where is it Anthony??
I'll put it up very soon, I was just waiting to see if more would come, plus I'm being lazy. I'm tired people.
SimplyMe's perfect man isn't Lessence? Well I think that's very interesting. It's good to see she's finally moved on. How many times does a person have to diss you before you realize they don't want to be with you. I read the many other posts he's written and I don't know how many times he's said he hasn't been interested in anyone that he's dealt with over the past two years. Wait his exact words were
"For the most part the last 2 and a half years I've manage to no give a fuck about what any woman I was involved with was doing when not with me." Now exactly how long have you been "knowing" him again?
I figured someone would go there. I'm not really surprised that it's been said, but I am a little surprised that it took so long for someone to say it. You really haven't said anything I haven't heard before, you're not the first person to mention it and you probably won't be the last. I read the posts just as you have. I'm not about to front and say that it didn't bother me at first, but what's done is done, there' s nothing I can say or do to change how he feels. I don't think he dissed me, I knew what was up from day one, we had an understanding. What we did or didn't do, or what we were or were not is really no ones business but ours. I'm not one the dwells on the past (too much) so at this point I'm only worried about the present and presently we are friends.
Since you know so much about what I was doing, then I'll assume we know each other, I think it's kinda sad that we have to communicate this way, but if this is how you want it, then this is how we'll do it. Now after you called yourself calling me out, did it make you feel better? I sure hope so, because if not, then your whole comment would be uh, well it would be pointless. Your comment doesn't change the way I look at Anthony, and I don't hold any hard feelings against him, or you. Oh and to answer your question, I've been knowing him for about three years now.
So here's a toast (raises Pepsi) to Anthony and Nikki's friendship, and the special bond we will hold forever.:)
How could you laugh at my pain? We are so not friends anymore, and did I laugh at you , the alien, and the deaf-mute.....nope. Now that's some funny stuff.
I find it amusing as well, you are not alone. I would not call it a love/hate triangle though. More like this one person has nothing better to do than be concerned with something that happened in the past life of simply_me and lessence.
anon, your done. do not reply. It will be erased.
take it, anon
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