Where to be begin.......fuck it.
- Fuck you to the mother of my son for being such a bitch.
- Fuck you to that guy at work who said that most black people are lazy.
- Fuck you to that fat bitch at KFC who dissed me, I wasn't even tryin to holla at you.
- Fuck you to 2 friends who actually thought I was trying to get with they 2 tired girlfriends
like I really want a niggaz left overs. - Fuck you to women who don't just say what really going on, don't bullshit me.
- Fuck you to that someone who always pops in and out of my life every 4 or 6 months like
I'm just something she can' t pick up and put down whenever she feel like it. I'M
TONY FLACO BITCH. - Fuck you to niggaz who just be hating. I mean really hating. And Don't Even know me.
- Fuck you to these tight ass prep white bitches, like they better to somebody.
- Fuck you to people who got something bad to say about me and my local cause we on
strike. - Fuck you Denny's
- Fuck you Hardeez
- Fuck you to SOMEBODY who takes up people they know in the wrong, especially when
they got a problem with me. - Fuck you to those bitches who play games word up.
- Fuck you to women I done fucked already and then they see me in public and act like they
don't know me. - Fuck the anonymous muthafuckaz who talk shit on my site and it ain't even about me.
- Fuck random pointless comments altogether.
- Fuck you Hollywood talk people I meet in the streets.
- Fuck foes who act like they friends, just be real. And
- Fuck all this bullshit I got to put up wit in a day just to sit here and write on this
- Fuckin blog.
- FUCK THIS!!!, if ya don't like me as a friend then step the fuck off, and stop coming on here aswell. I don't even care if i loose readers. Cause I won't loose sleep, I'm gonna keep doing me. Str8 Ball. If you seen me out and about you know what I mean.
I'm gone be Good, thats me.
Roll wit it or roll out, and eat a dick while you at it.

Anthony I think you need a hug, and I hope you feel better now that you got all that off your chest.
Some of the fuck you's seemed kinda dramatic, but hey if that's how you feel so be it.
hmmm how rude
Your inspiration Anthony, thank you.
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