"More than meets thee eye"
I didn't want to do this, but I fell like I need to in hopes of protecting my integrity as a friend, as an emcee, and most of all as the man I claim to be.
If you don't know the history I've kicked it and ran ryhmes with Kansas City's beloved John "StikFiga" Westbrook for about 10 years now. And our true professional attempts at Hip-Hop have existed since we resurrected the "ONLYONES CrEW" in 2005 with Mike "LOve" Jones. We are from TOPEKA You can find our efforts on myspace @ http://www.myspace.com/theonlyonescrew-Links for each artist in the top five.
Since our first project "The Skinny" a trend began. We ALL would head to the studio, have a good time and make good music. But when it came time for release........ if any of you have heard that mixtape none of Stik's crew are on it, but "MacLethal" a local KC rapper who's made quite a name for himself. As a matter of fact if they been listening no one can tell me a final product that "StikFiga" has put out with HIS closest crew on it. Stik introduced me to Mike "LoveJones" in the fall of 2005. Upon introduction I was told that Mike was "The deal". "I fucks wit him" is how it was put to me. So I fucked with him too. I see now that after Mike's usefulness was over, so was the need to have him around as I listened from the same man mouth that "we need to loose the white boy".
I remember when John (StikFiga) first got his endorsement with Oddisee out in D.C.. He tells Mike "We put in our applications and I got the job." It seemed to me that upon some prospect of success, he found no regard for those who've stood with him. I've never been much of a hater, when I heard the news I was happy for him. I still am. (On a side note just earlier that year the Cali Agents was getting at us thru me. And he was eager to keep the crew together till it fell thru.)
My only issue with John (Stik). Is the same issue I've always had. And the one that finally broke the camels back. I've been there since the beginning, and we out there trying to do this for us and ours. These people you big up and speak on in these interviews ain't your crew. So why do you mention them and not those close who you claim are so talented?? Explain that. And explain that to those who you do big up.
Because with my own ears I've heard John "StikFiga" Westbrook disrespect
MacLethal, Approach, CEsCru, Greg Enemy, Dutch Newman, and a few others. In our last confrontation he claimed most of you are just the opportunist that I am stating he is. This coming from his own mouth. What you read above is just a brief glimpse into so much more.
I'm a loyal dude to the people I got love for. I don't expect anyone to stop dealing with Stik. Dude is talented and I don't think anyone can hold him back. Just know what type of cat you dealing with.
Like I said before I didn't want to do this. But John. When you went to Nadia at the Pitch and made it come off like I was "boo hoo" over not being mentioned. I didn't appreciate that. Because I came to you about how I felt about the issues we have as a whole. And I warned you to walk away from that conversation with a piece of mind. And if you or anyone else can't see the point I'm trying to make then fuck you and them.
When you and Mike fell out I looked at both sides and gave you the benefit of the doubt. This last month is like a slap in the face, and professionally I think it's too late to make that shit right. I still wanna salvage a friend ship out of this, but know that I don't wanna deal with you on any type of music level. I'm gonna wrap up this project that Me and You worked on and call it a day. Since it's going to California I hope you get something more out of it. I don't expect you to mention it at all here. It's the last solid I'm hitting you with on my connection list. While in regards to music, thank you for nothing. It's time to support those who support me, and I wish ya well bro.
Do yourself a favor and do not respond to this post in a unfavorable way.
I can go deeper.