I was surfing the net and i ran across this.
Oddly enough it didn't make me mad. It made me wanna get a gun though.
To be honest I'm worried about stuff like this, I know it's just a matter of time before some poor misguided white guy goes out and grabs a gun (once again) and does something crazy in my neck of the woods.
Also, I'm black, and i don't fit any of the stereo types i see mentioned in the pictorial above.
So I really just sit and wonder where these guys are getting thier information from.
Sure if you look in the ghetto's of america you'll see some fucked up shit, and most of the time it's black people you see, but i've seen the "nigga" version of white people aka "white trash", and they don't look much better. Most black folks suffer economic hardships so naturally you see us more than the latter. And for some of us it's our fault but I don't think it's cool to judge us all just over that. I mean hell I know italians who get upset when assume they all got mob ties.
Pictures like the one above are the reason i get nervous when i'm surrounded by white people, and in topeka hangin with the brothers is kinda like living on the edge somtimes as much as i'd hate to say it. These days it seems like black folks are real sensitive. Real Sensitive.
But i think theres alot of white folks who are just as crazy. I just wish we were more focused upon the threat and gave some direction to the violence. Take it as you will.
Anyway let me throw some cheese on this post by saying "We're all brothers here on earth and we should just get along" Ah thats better.
Hell I got white friends with hygiene problems, and others who are more fucked than that but i don't assume all white people are the same way. Really though fuckit i'm sure i'm not saying anything that hasn't been said before. Guess sometimes i get pissed that not only do I have to worry about white people when i step outside but I also have to worry about brothers/black people, and damn near every other skin complexion. Shit.
I'm thinkin i need to get me a gun, i mean hey,
Everybodies got one.
Thats Cold!!

1 comment:
"a fight, a fight,
a black & a white,
if the black don't win
then we ALL jump in"
bought up childhood memories.......
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