There is only one woman who can even entertain the notion of me considering to settling down with her. And she shall remain nameless. Present government wants nothing to do with a relationship otherwise.
What sparked this topic might I add. A few weeks ago I ran into this female I knew back when I was acting like a girl, ya know wanting desperately to be a part of something(SPECIAL) lol, I crack me up.
Anyway we fucked, one time I pushed it to happen I'll be honest but at the time she wanted it too. So years go by and I mean like 5 or 6 years go by and by chance (topeka) I run into her at a club. These days I'm picky as hell and I get bored easily and so on, those who know me now understand what I'm getting at. Still I'm happy to see her mainly because I'm a very nostalgic person. I ask for her number she gives it and I give her mine, tell her we should get together sometime for old times sake, have some dinner or something I'm not being as hard on her as I usually am mainly because of her link to the past. Now I Don't think that she wants to hook up with me by any means and I say this because I'll be damned if she didn't kinda give me the cold shoulder just days later so I guess all that at the club was Hollywood talk. Thing is I'm so fucking honest these days to women, sometimes painfully. And I get shit from that from time to time. But I mean shit this has happen before one way or another. I mean why couldn't she have just been like, " nigga please I don't even really wanna talk to you", or just said no. Then I could just write a post about how fucked up that was. No instead it has to be drawn out and I have to figure that shit out, which isn't cool if you ask me. Same goes for the other way around, I tell a female "I don't want no girl friend, I just wanna be friends. " She says ok. But she lying cause 2 weeks and sometimes 2 days lata she trying make it more than it is, and I'm suppose to feel bad or like I have commitment problems cause I aint with her progarm. You women kill me. Then you actually got the nerve to say there ain't no good men. Maybe you just ain't a good woman. What you are is what you get, and what you get is what you really looking for. I'll be the first to admit that I've pulled more than my share of good women. All of them in college, or have they own homes and good jobs. I fucked it up cause I just aint ready to settle right now.
But I'm getting there, I mean I aint getting no younger.

darn babe why couldnt we have a name or at least initials the suspense is killing me
that would be to easy now luv, wouldn't it? Besides aren't I didn't want to take away from the topic at hand. STAY FOCUSED!!!
So how much past do you have? You never give good clues!
just tell us who you're talking about about?
Give us the first letter, PLEASE!!
Never that, it might go to her head, besides, even she got a long way to go. Lets get back to women not telling the truth. Oh and by the way, I need a suggestion for my next post. Send them to aelrod1@cox.net.
guys he's talking about me, you should just go ahead and tell them. but who am I?
How could he be talking about you when he is talking about me?LOL
Tell us something about her! You should not have posted if you didn't want to share, some of us are now nervous and excited. Tisk Tisk, your playing with heart string's here.Are you sure she is not into you? I know you very well, well at least I am pretty sure I do. I find it hard for someone not to like you. You really don't excpect much.
My my my Lessence seems like you have a tough situation on your hands. All these women seem to think they are "the one" your talking about. Shame on it all. I beg to differ that revealing her name will go to her head...but hey what do I know.
Signed Strictly Friends
Well my friend unless youhave more than one of these women that you described a firt letter of the first or last name would be wonderfull. You see me and you have almost the exact same situation you described, but Im not going to chance making a fool of myself and calling you on it. It sound's like alot of people have the same feeling. I would hate for you to have actually decided on one of these women and you miss out on happiness because of your fears. Those of us that know you, know your good quality's and we love you even with the minor flaws that you do have. You need to set a few minds free, Don't miss out on a good thing. What you may take for a cold shoulder might just be fear, the same as your's. Your a smart man, call her! Let us in on you, the real you.
Who are you people?
It's funny how I'm suppose to give names to those who are nameless. LOL, you people crack me up. Besides, my days of putting people on blast have pasted for obvious reasons. I used to do that alot and look where it got me on past posts. NO MORE. BTW, can i get one comment on the acutally post subject. Just one>?
Alright...here is an actual comment for you.
It is all about presentation; the way you talk to a person. If your going on and on about remember when this and that happened. A person may assume you are talking about your entire past together granted you did the serious with this particular woman she probably thought you were trying to rekindle the hot flame. You have to tell people exact what your intentions are so they are not left wondering. Its one thing to be honest to a woman and say ok I don't want a relationship I just have friends but then you become too friendly. If you are only friends....set boundaries. Do not let your better judgment be misled by good looks and a great body. You know most women have screw up minds and when a guy is showing interest they will do whatever to get him unless they are completely uninterested.
Its obvious most women like to make situations more than they are...that has been revealed on this blog because no one person except for Gary has even began to comment on the blog you wrote. So Present Government just tell women point blank you are not interested in anything more than being their friend through your words and actions. Oh another thing, not all people are openly honest enough to tell you I do not want to give you my number and I want nothing to do with you so they play the game until you get the hint. That’s no reason for you to become upset...she may have had a perfectly logical explanation of why she did not contact you. Do not become upset unless you were looking for more than just a walk down memory lane....take it in.
I like you. I'm sure you have my number.....call me.
I think I do have your number, ha ha....I plan on using it soon.
I don't need to tell you what I think about this blog...weakness4luv did a nice job breaking it down for you...kudos to her. I like how Gary was straight to the point, that was funny. Anywho I don't have anything else to say.
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