Lost and foundGary OMG!!
Last night i get off of work and theres a message on my answering machine. "Bitch we're coming over, DEEP!!"
It's Gary.
20 minutes later theres a bang on my door and these three muthafuckaz(Gary, Matt, and Chris) storm into my house. It doesn't take long to realize that Gary is fucked up. FUCKED UP. I see it in his eyes, theres a look of intensity only those who've seen him drunk can already picture as they read this.
I'm told to immediately get some clothes on. Theres a party to go to. And the CLick will be there.
Time passes and i find myself in Gary's car with Matt at the wheel, Gary shotgun, and me, Chris, also Jim, now pullling into the drive way of a house full of stoners.
These are Chris's associates by the way, little do they know what is about to happen as we make it to the front door. So anyway after an elaborate password Chris uses to affliliate himself with the bunch we're in. Up to our necks.
Que Gary.
In the living room we're told to go directly downstairs to the basement. Gary still has this look in his eyes like he's let the alchohol take control. And he has. As we make our way downstairs the show begins. Gary slips into a fall/slide down the remainder of the last 5 steps into the basement. The noise gains the attetion of eveyone in the house, he acknewledges it and quickly moves on with the night with a simple yet loud "Oh damn".
In this basement there are women mostly, and a few guys. Are eyez are on us like "who the fuck are these guys". Naturally we take the seats next to the women. While it's immediately agreed that we are not welcomed here, and this is not our type of crowd, someone hands me the keys to the car and I'm not gonna let us leave until we get the most out of this experience.
I'm thinkin this is on my part but for a minute, Gary's doing well, talking to these white girls while continuously tappin on my leg to jump in, Matt and Jim kinda just veggie out on the couches, and Chris works the crowd. All of a sudden Gary becomes very anxious to leave and kept bugging me about and how no one in The Click is having a good time so we should go see George, then it happen. The man said and I quote "I"M THE ONLY ONE TALKING TO THESE WHITE BITCHES". Oh shit. Now for those of you who don't know Gary very well, his significant other happens to be a white woman, who he adores might i add, but the man was drunk, and while drunk all thoughts passed thru the mouth freely. UNRESTRAINED. Most of us including those outside of the click took this in, but he didn't give us the time we needed, he just kept going.
I held this one for the site and I don't think anyone else in The Click heard this, but he even said aloud to me "YEAH WE KNOW YOUR LOOKING FOR WHITE GIRLS TO FUCK."
I had to get away.
Time passes. (Not enough)
I'm upstairs conversing, it's alot more quiet. I settle in.
But the click eventually trickles up stairs and Gary make his entrance being one of the last to finally come up. The scene of serenity is quickly broken. And someone gave this muthafucka another beer. He comes over to me, sits down and suggests leaving again. Then unknown to me at first, gets up to take a piss. So anyway I'm ready to go now. We've accomplished making these people as uncomfortable as we felt and I'm proud of that. It was my intention. Chris suggests giving Gary a last go around the house and then we'll leave. This includes being introduced to everyone in the house. I don't know why but I followed them as far as the kitchen, Gary still saying whatever comes to mind.
Ok last paragraph. Hope your still with me. We're in the kitchen as I said talking to Gary, who is now upset he can't ride shotgun in his own car(Matt called it once he knew I was gonna be driving). I'm explaining to him the concept of ownership and how he can make his own rules. It doesn't take long before he puts his foot down and tells Matt how it will be, then declaring loudly "NIGGS IN THE FRONT, WHITES IN THE BACK!!!"
Everyone upstairs hears this including the women who were just earlier called white bitches. Shock is the reaction. I immediately tell Gary to take his drunk ass downstairs to finnish the tour so we can leave. Our farewell to everyone was for the most part uneventful, keep in mind most of these people were pretty fucked up, but you could tell they were happy to see us go. Outside theres a blonde who is clearly upset, talking on the phone.
Gary says goodbye to her. Then accuses her of ignoring him but tells her it's ok. Some reports say that she was even called a white bitch right when we came out. Anyway we get in the car, back out of the driveway.
Then it was over.
Later that night and even today in his sobbered state, Gary regrets nothing. Just like ah nigga.
Some things never change. One of them is Gary when drunk, in or out of Paradise.
Thank you for your time.
Sign of the Times