Now that my money problems fade with the passing of each day. I can't help but remember when i was extremely broke.
For me having not money (for myself anyway) had a sobbering affect. Guess i'm saying since i didn't/couldn't do anything else, i spent alot of time with myself. During most days of The Click, i was kinda like the second Jim. No money asking others for what little they had in creative ways.
A thank you to the following by the way for helping out a broke ass so i could become the ONE i am now.
Jerome(my brother) Gary, ryan, Nadia, George, Angela(hate to say it, but yes) and Mommy, hehe.
Funny how i can look back and think of those times as good ones. Less responsibility, more free time, no financial obligations to seriously consider, and vehicles that resembled a bad relationship, ya never knew what would happen the next day.
Oh and the constant struggle to get over on those close for a meal, movie ticket, or free round of beers. Good times.
Hell thinkin back even farther I wouldn't even change the days of wearing the same underwear for like a week, and sleeping in various homes of those who cared. Helps me appreciate what i wake up to now. Accomplishment is a cool thing, str8 up.
Guess what i'm realizing now is that although i was down sometimes and wondering what to do with my life, it's really ok to be young and broke, cause you still have your whole life ahead of you. Also, even though the Paradise is gone, I'm grateful for those i shared it with those days. We had good times and I learned alot from you people, even though some relationships had to end quite badly. Maybe one day will all be cool again. Then again maybe not.
I'm not gonna say it'll never happen anymore. I just hope we're not as irresponsible as we once were.

The "things" that make up who we are do not come from anywhere else but one's self. Consider yourself lucky to have realized that. If any one person was to be stripped of all "things" but their self, who would they truly be? If you have not thought about it, you should. If you have thought about it, you should think about it more. One's self is what makes us who we are. All of these "things" are just that... "things." We are all that matters (some more than others). The material is not what makes the person, but hell whom am I trying to fool. Everyone is caught up in his or her "things." The question is would we rather be up to our necks in our own shit or, can we look beyond that and be in up to our necks in our own self? Anyway you calculate this equation, we are all fucked one way or another. Done.
i'm gonna have to read this one back to myself a few times. Thanx for the comment though.
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