It aint easy.
A man who stands alone walks with his back against the wall.
He watches time fly while standing still at the same time.
The world blends into this cold, colorful, peaceful, and unpredictable place as all control finally becomes Kaos.
A lost soul.
Traveling a road that leads no where. Wisdom becomes a new gateway to ignorance of a different kind.
Regret accumulates, and mentalities change. Friends become strangers, family distant. soon one doesn't even know himself.
An era ends, though the positive callit "New Beginnings".
But we all eventually just become pictures on the wall.
With this in mind the problems of today deminish in importance.
The time spent amongst his own, may not even be true, but they are treasured just the same.
"This Moment" was built upon the lives of others.
Two eyes meet oblivious to the eons that made the very instant possible.
So miracles happen everyday.
Miracles are so common, we don't even value them anymore.
Remember that you've forgotten, then remember what you've forgotten.
Time flies, we are comfortable in it's pace and don't notice.
Time flies, and mankind is forgetful.
Nothing is of value anymore.
Not even life itself.
So friends fade like the days, most lovers are untrue, family ties ignore bloodlines, and the rich throw away food.
Knowledge is power.
Supremecy seems secure.
But most of us fall from our pedestals, by the things we aren't even looking for.
It aint easy,
growing up in this world.
A man stands alone, with his back against the wall.
Thought of mortal Titans

1 comment:
the brillance of complex simplicity, has never been "lyricized" so...beautifully.
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