Julius Ceasar said it best, "A coward dies a thousand deaths, a soldier dies but once.
Tell me.
Have you ever seen someone getting the shit kicked out of them and did nothing. Are you silent when a group of people are picking on someone who can't defend themselves. Are you a bitch.
Come now be honest with yourself, I mean this isn't a question you have to answer vocally.
Knowings half the battle right?
Granted this isn't a hate site, in certain ways i should be sorry for what i say, but at the same time part of me wants to be killed for my words.
That and i can't stand bitches. And i don't mean women, i mean atleast you can fuck them. The men on the other hand are just really annoying.
They say birds of a feather flock together, that just may be why the biggest bitches I've ever known in my life would have to be Ryan, Tommy, and Greg.
And i'm sure they have a bunch of bitch friends to call there own as well.
I'm gonna do this different. THIS IS REAL.
Ryan- Man i really hope you read this one day. Your a bitch. I'm not saying this to be mean, and then again I am. But really, do you get up, look in the mirror in the morning and think to yourself "i'm a bitch." You can be really cool man which also makes you sooo dissapointing. I know every girl you ever dated was fucking someone else and you know it as well, and you still date these bitches. Not only that but your a punk and have no true concept of truth and keeping your word. By the way Nikki that black girl i hooked up with said you gotta small dick and that you fuck like a jack rabbit, i just thought EVERYONE should know so i put it on here. (probably why they all cheated on you.) Hehe does that piss you off man. WELL fuck you. You got some nerve being pissed at me after all the shit I went thru just being a friend to you. I want you to hate me bitch, just like I hate your Bitch ass.
Tommy- Sorry man, but your a bitch too. And so is your sister but you know that already. You spent enough time sitting up in your room dealing shit out on Ryan that i thought you should get it too. I'm saying your the same guy who fell in love with a hoe, who you knew was fucking you on the side. You and Ryan got this thing about turning hoes into housewives and i don't get that.
You can't turn a hoe into a housewife man. Btw don't get it twisted i've never been fake to any of you guys. Thats why i have to be extra bold on here, so when you see me, theres no misunderstanding. You couldn't even be real on your site half the time. And no one respects your word even more than Ryan. No one i know, and thats real. Hell your so fucked up you probably don't even care. EAt a Dick, you fuckin Hypocrite. You hated on Ryan then turned around and did the same thing. In my book both of you are pussies.
Greg- Your a bitch too. If i got into some shit i wouldn't even expect you to jump in. And you know i shouldn't. By the way sometimes you got B.O. , the other times you just smell like pennies.(take it in) Ryan wanted to tell you aswell, but.. well he's a bitch. Haha we know when any of you is dating cause we won't see you for a few months, no one will. I'm gonna give greg a break though, theres nothing i can really tell him about himself that he doesn't already know. I think he's just guilty by association. Alot of people like Greg and I have to concur when it comes right down to it. He's done little things to piss me off, but thats part of being friends. He's cool for kicking it, but i expect nothing more.
Now granted it's been about a year since i've even spoken to the people above and they may have changed as time brings change. But i strongly doubt that. (Strongly)
I'm gonna continue to ball cause that is my way.
And no i don't have that big of a chip on my shoulder i'm just being real. I needed a new topic for the page and i thought about these bitches and said fuckit.(Don't worry I'll leave them alone for awhile.)
I hate a liar more than i hate a thief,
money comes and goes but don't fuck with the truth.
Oh yeah Heros, hmmm..........just take the opposite of these bitches and there you have it, that sums that up.
I"m gone fow now.
P.S. Jim is a bitch
Which one are you?

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I'm sitting here in my almost unbearably warm room in Lawrence reading this blog. Quite a surprise to find something so interesting after a god awful day at work.
This is funny (not in a humorous way but in a wierd way) since me and Greg were just talking about the old days. We both agreed that one of the few things we miss about Topeka is hanging with the click and I made sure to chime in with "Yeah, they're fucking cool. But I guess I miss talking to Les more." We both nodded our heads in agreement then went back to playing WoW. You know these two nerds roll.
I think a lot of people mistake mine and Greg's absence for some form of malice when that just isn't the case. What it usually boils down to is that we're both rather reclusive and typically stay home, out of sight. I mean, don't get me wrong, we've tore shit up in Lawrence plenty of times +1000 but our ideal nights are spent at home. With that in mind, it's not that we DON'T want to hang out with anybody, it's just being how we are we usually don't call people up to form gatherings. I guess it comes off as snobbery when it's really just two dudes with inadequate social skills. You know us, man!
I'm not going to respond to any of the "shit-talking" because, well, it doesn't matter to me. The one thing I will address is the part where I disappear when I get a girl. Well, that might have been the case but let's chalk that up to my own immaturity. Actually, Les, if I may be so bold, I've now taken a lesson from you in the sense that I'm no longer such a clingy little whiner. If the bitches wanna act crazy, get the fuck out. Currently I'm banging a THICK white chick with just the most delicious tatties. And, she likes to get drunk and fuck, so thats doubleplusgood in my book.
Look, man, I guess I didn't realize that things just turned so fucking sour. I wasn't avoiding you or trying to be cruel and me and Greg have never had anything but nice things to say about you. So I guess that means I won't tell him about the things you said since that would genuinely upset him. He's pretty fragile.
Before I kick it on outta here, lemme just say that I'm sorry we don't see eye to eye on the Ryan/Emily thing. I guess I finally listened to Greg and just decided to forgive. I know you had it a million times rougher than me, since you lived with BOTH of them for such a long time so I'm not saying you're being ridiculous at all. I guess I realized that it was:
a) Tearing my family up since I refused to be in the same room during gatherings.
b) Making things awkward between me and Greg. You know how Greg is man. He's just too nice. And he's been one of my best friends for a decade now.
C) It was just time to move on. Don't get me wrong, I can hold grudges forever but I was tired of feeling that tension.
I've never faulted you for disliking Ryan, so don't think that. I understand why you don't and I agree with you when you say he was acting "like a bitch". Anyway, it's not like I seem him all the time anyway since him and Emily just hang out in Topeka getting high.
I guess I just wanted to respond to some of this because I don't think it's fair and I guess I don't understand why you're upset with me or Greg. Actually, it really hurts my feelings, to be terribly honest. I've had some great times with you man and feel fortunate that I got to know you. I care a lot about my friends and I hate it when shit turns sour. Just to put in another sappy little touch I was listening to your cd the other day and got mad nostalgic at the song where I get a shout out. If I could have found my cellphone, I was gonna give you a call. I guess I'm glad I didn't.
Anyway, lemme give you some contact info because me and Greg would love to hear from you.
Take it easy Les. You got a couple of nerds in Lawrence who have nothing but fond memories of you.
p.s. I have a mohawk now. It's fucking sweet.
p.p.s. I also bought a 9mm handgun. It is also fucking sweet.
p.p.p.s. Did you like San Andreas after all? Greg fucking beat it in like three days.
I had to respond to this.
The things I said about ryan, greg, and you have not grudges attached to them. It's the past. While sometimes i will admit that when i talk about ryan it still builds into hate, i must also say that i have moments of clarity. While still i must say if i was on a game show and i had to name those who could be considered bitches in the click i must admit i would name you three, I can also admit that this may be my opinion just because we're really different people from opposite tracks. YOu and greg will always be considered friends. Also like i said before this site is a reflection of the past and dedicated to the end of the click.
While greg or you might be hurt, it did get you to contact me.
I just wish it didn't take knowning that Les might have a bad opinion of you to make the effort finally after what seems like a long time.
Hey man, if people start knocking each other out at the next get-together I'll have to give up hosting and attending such events...
That beef is squashed don't worry. DETAILS lata
"u really hurt me" guy made me giggle. [in a he 'told u so' sorta way].
and AGAIN- do white girls rule kansas? this is all very disturbing...
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