Your leader wishes to speak, SILENCE!!!

It has been brought to my attention that some of you don't like the contents of my page. That my truthfulness is not welcomed. This disturbs me. And i like it.
I was gonna issue a public apology on yesterdays posts, but then i spoke to a buddy at work and he advised against it for reasons a care not to share with you all. But in the future i will restrain my self in making comments on peoples negative physical attributes. NOW, back to those of you who would like to remain unmentioned on this page. It's unfortunate that I must inform you that your requests will not be granted, i will write about whoever comes to mind when i sit at this computer. As I said before aswell your welcomed to respond for kick shit at me in retaliation but be careful hehe.
Oh and don't leave jackass comments on here, most of you are well educated and this will not be the arena for childish, and pointless debates. I've figured out how to open my comments option to the public so your more than welcomed to talk trash on here aswell, until i decide otherwise.
So don't disappoint me.
Before I go I also would like to say that I've taken notice how my friends who speak to me on a daily basis, and those i would consider true enjoy the page and my comments about them aswell.
While those oh you who have left to me wonder about your loyalty are nervous about what i may say next or pissed off.(which tells me alot about you might i add) you guys make me laugh.
I'm real and if i like you that doesn't mean i don't see things about you i don't like, I'd like to think that I wouldn't say anything on here i wouldn't say to your face. Plus if you know that when you see me i'm cool with you, then just relax. The people who I don't like on here already know who they are. I'm kinda tired but I hope you get what i'm saying. Everything on here is true so maybe you should take it at face value ask someone what they think and take it in.
Well, i'm gone I just wanted to comment on the feedback I've been getting from Gary. But now you can leave your own so don't be fake about it, click the comments and voice your opinion.
I'm gone, dinner is served.
How can we live every day fooling our self or, even worse, fooling others as to who we really are? If you can’t see the truth within your self, consider it a blessing that others can and most importantly, that they care to point it out to you. The weakest of us live in a fairy tale, saying what everyone else wants to hear about their self, our self. The beauty of truth is that she doesn’t hide for too long. That bitch will not only slap you in the face, she will do it publicly. Truth is a word of quality. Those that are not made up of quality are not made up of truth and it pisses them off to hear it about their self. Ugly is just that, ugly. I am ugly and that’s the truth.
And it's funny when the truth comes out and few are prepared for it, it's almost like when you're at a party and you turn to your friends and yell "How come I'm the only one talkin' to these white bitches?" And the sad fact is, every word rings true though it probably would have been better to think than to voice out loud, but does anyone react to it in a negative way? No. And probably because it was true, you were the only one talking to them, they were bitches, and they were white. Leave all prejudices and racisms at the door, grab a few drinks and this will all be easier to deal with I promise...someday...
How can we live every day fooling ourselves??? It's easy. We do it all the time. Don't you act a certain way when you're at work than with friends? And another way around family or a girl/boyfriend? It's all an image. Which one is the truth? I know I don't know who I am. But, I enjoy all the parts I play that make up who I am. I am all of these people and none at the same time. Truth is relative.
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