I was trying to be a nice person earlier this week but it's hard to do these days. Maybe i'm too sensitve, maybe i'm just fed up with alot things i just consider bullshit. I really wanna just be cool and get along with everyone but sometimes people do things that just rubb me wrong. What does that mean. I haven't been writing about much lately because there was nothing good to write about, all that little shit kept buggin me.
These are the things that get under my skin.
- When Gary offers other people dibs on his shit that i want, and they don't even take the time to hang out with is ass.
- When we call people to kick it and they just blow it off.
- When i offer to hang out with Lisa and she thinks i'm trying to fuck, or that something might happen. NO
- When I knock on Matts door(the hermit) and he refuses to answer, rather than answering and just saying I don't wanna hang out.
- When people who don't usually call, only call to ask for money, or see if i'll buy something from them.
- black women
- white women
- Stuarts dead
- Laffy's in jail
- people aren't more critical about my work
- My sons mother, her greed and her clutches on my only child
- How everyone shits on whats left of the Click these days
- How people like Nadia look at me these days(you forget i was there for you when you needed it, but that don't mean shit huh) and thats not just her i'm talking about
- When i get shit from people because i have a good job
- That i can't be me and get a good woman(don't judge a book by it's cover)
- Those fucking pictures Angela has, and how no one gives a shit
I know my close few will hold me down while my enemies, yes "Enemies" will talk shit or wonder if i'm talking about them.
And if your wondering then yes your most likely and enemy.
Bomb First

Man Les Sup Dog
Greg Doesnt Know What Cd Your Askin About. We Are Sorry About This.
Call His Cell.
To Ask Him
venting is our god-given "prophecies".
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