This Post is dedicated to a buddy who reminds me of when I was broke.
I'm not gonna say names, not because I don't want him to be known by those who read this, but more so because I think his name doesn't need to be said.
Everyone is gonna know who I'm talking about(hehe).
INDEPENDENCE means alot to a person who's once stood out of it, but it comes at a price these days. I work because cable cost money, I work because my lights cost money, I work because i need to eat, I work because i like to make phone calls, I work to support my habits or trends, and finally i work to own a car so i can be where i please, or leave when i please regardless of whats going on or who wants me to stay. And as long as i can funtion as a normal human being Les aint gone stop getting whats good.
Of the above lets focus on the main luxury of the day. Owning a car. Cars cost money, no doubt about that. Gas, tags(which i have to pay this month), oil changes, tires, tune-ups, breaks, I'm sure the list goes on. You never get the money you put in a car back, and in short the only bitch I'll ever spend my money on is my car, atleast she gets me where I wanna go.
Most of us bite the bullet, it's a price we have to pay these days. It's alomst undeniable that the automobile is a standard of life, I mean I've seen homeless people who have vehicles to call thier own, gotta be better than sleeping in the street anyway.
With that in mind, it still puzzles me why some people who know they got places to be don't focus on getting the modern marvel we call "the automobile". Instead they bug us to shae the bitch we have. The only people I really mind getting in my bitch are the ones who have bitches of they own. I ask some married guy who he'd rather leave in his house, the guy who is already married or the bachelor.
Even worse are those who have become comfortable in lacking. They act or seem like the obvious solution to there problem is the half ass one. NO it isn't.
I remember calling people up while they were enjoying thier day and asking/begging them to come get my no car having ass, and listening to them ask me if I'd asked So and So already, then saying the classic phrase, "Damn man aight, I'll be there." Fuck that shit. That was my motivation to get a vehicle A-sap. Or seeing a female and thinking man I'd like to take her out, and even thinking shit but I'd have to burrow someone elses ride to do it. (Shoutout to my brother for letting me.) But that that shit aint cool. Most people will have stipulations and rules/curfew on when they want thier bitch back(i would too by the way), then i got two dates and i'm not in complete control of the situation.
I've said enough. Bottom line, if you live in a country thats greater than 3rd world, GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER AND GET A CAR LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. Enough is Enough. Change comes eventually and the clock is ticking.

1 comment:
broke people can afford cars. they just can't afford the expenses. be mindful of that. i know folks who should have waited, cause they went broke trying to maintain it, ya dig?
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