Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Letters

Ok, well I'm feeling kinda lazy so I came up with this great idea. The whole "perfect guy, perfect girl" thing bores me so I'm gonna do something else. I've closed a chapter in my life, and as a result, I'm gonna scribe nearly every letter, love note, hate note, etc. that I've ever recieved in the past few years for your reading pleasure. I think it'll be cool, and I hope you enjoy it. Not only that but I manage to get some of the stuff I wrote them back so I'll also be posting that aswell, I mean some of this stuff is me when I was like 17 years old. I've also took off the comment moderator, but if you insist on comment to start shit, I'll put it back on. (You know who you are). By the way I have not secrets other than what would simply be considered inappropriate to display online. If YOU do have something to tell someone about me, this would be the time to do it. I'm never gonna let anyone hold something over my head so my reply would be "do you". I'm not the person I was last year, and I will admit he was an all out asshole. Now I'm only a quarter of that. Don't start shit just to start shit, especially if it aint true.

To the notorious "Anon" do what you need to do, but after that brush the dirt off ya shoulders and lets get back to what people used to enjoy doing on here. Commenting on my posts and enjoying my writing.



SIMPLY_ME said...

I'm sure this'll be interesting. I'm kinda curious as to why you would put people on blast like that, but I still say go for it. Yeah I can be a bit nosey sometimes, but it's not like I gave him the idea.

I'm glad you took that moderation crap off, the little internet blog drama can be quite amusing sometimes, even when I'm the one being attacked by those B*****S. Anywho I'm looking forward to the future post. I hope you include messenger conversations too, especially those that were written about a year ago, now I'm sure those would be very interesting....well at least to me they would.

Love Always,

Lessence said...

Most of this stuff will be from, 1997 to maybe 2003. Just depends on how much those who visit the site are into it.

Anonymous said...

2003 huh, damn

Anonymous said...

I am thinking its not such a good idea to post that sort of thing. I'm sure it could get interesting but I imagine the content could possibly hurt someone, but I'm sure that doesn't matter right now. Maybe you have nothing to lose from doing this but hey, do you. I don't even know why I care who you hurt I'm sure they weren't thinking that when they wrote the hate notes.

SIMPLY_ME said...

I was thinking the same thing. 2003 huh, damn. I guess that means no messenger conversations.

Lessence said...

Thats not the point this exhibition is intended to capture. From 1997 till about 2002 I was pretty much what you might call a "romantic". I feel in love, I was a nice guy. I truly cared. It shouldn't hurt anyone, thats not the point. It's just a window to how things used to be, how people of my past looked at me, and how i looked at myself. Aswell, how I came to be the person I have been for the last 2 or 3 years till now.

Anonymous said...

That depends on what kinda of convo it consist of. If it consist of feelings and what not then I don't think that would be a good thing to do. I'm sure some of these individuals trusted you enough to talk to you and I don't now about any of you but when if I'm talking to you personally then I would think you are inconsiderate to do something like that. But hey this is YOUR WORLD, right? What do you care

Lessence said...

LOL, that was funny. It can't be that serious though. None of this is current, if I happen to post something that anyone currently reading or someone else who might stumble upon it might have written, I'd like to think we can just sit back and be like, "damn, fond memories, I remember that shit." Names will be left out as usual, so i don't see what the big deal is, only YOU will know what you wrote.

Anonymous said...

I can see your point.