Monday, June 26, 2006


I gotta ask the ladies whats so bad about skinny guys.
I've been skinny my whole life and though it could possibly be just because I don't know any better, but I like it.

Lets not forget that most of those big guys are just gonna get fat when they stop working out all the time. I know i'm always gonna be able to see what lurks below my waist, and really the only concern we have is keeping a six pack, other than that life is pretty much all good. I was gonna wait on this post because I'm not my cocky self these days since I took that slide down 37th street on my arms, back, and head, but I'm giving it my best.
Ok here we go.
Bruce Lee, skinny guy, kicked maj0r ass and blew up doing it. The guys a legend, Arnold Schwarzenegger what a big guy, but he wasn't known for kickin no ass. Thats one for the skinny.
Tupac Shakur, skinny guy, coined the phrase "I get around", and did just that till the day he died. Aight I'll admit as he once did that it was mostly the fame, money, and charisma, but hey it happend. Thats two.
I'm not hating on athletes don't get me wrong, I used to be one too, but getting money is a better hobby. Plus I aint got the time to be sitting up in a gym all day with a bunch of other guys and taking showers together and shit like that. I'm tryna ball.
I'll hit up a spot and take my shirt off, it don't much bother me. I'm just skinny, I don't look like skin and bones. I'm still keeping hope alive that the skinny will have it's day, not the sick skinny like those white chicks you see in the magazines, but the slim cats like snoop dogg and T.I., just without the money(or not as much.)
Ah few years back though, this girl laughed at after I took my shirt off. I was like damn she just really cut up the mood tellin me how skinny I am. We still did the "serious" but it kinda stuck with me, even though she still really liked me I had to fall back. Drawbacks are there ya know, like when the wind blows too hard, or some big guy asked to you watch out lil dude,(that aint happened in years but it did), but I guess you take the good with the bad.
And we have our talents believe me. Just ask somebody. Posted by Picasa


A Rare Commodity said...

Hey I got a question for you?
What's the serious? LOL

Anonymous said...

Dear you are very skinny , you just ain't tall and lanky like Snoop! Ten pounds wouldn't hurt you as a person, but what do I know I'm a big girl, just not the fat kind!When your a , let's see how to put this. Okay here it goes, would you want to feel like you was crushing your woman everytime you did the" serious"? Well thats how a woman feels when she's on top . That in return will make her feel down on herself. Soooo that means NO skinny =(.
But your right being skinny has it's good point's but you might as well get one of those skinny white girls you were talking about. not everyone want's somebody muscle bound, but enough to pull us in.

Anonymous said...

please don't ever compare your body ype to tupac's ever again in life, i'm not that big of a fan of tupacs, but the brotha was handsome and his body was right. i'll take muscle over skinny any day of the week.

Lessence said...

To the second anon. No disrespect luv but i wasn't comparing my body to the late Tupac Shakur, just stating that he was a skinny guy, though he beefed up a bit the last year of his life, he was only like 5'10, 165 pounds, he wasn't a big guy. The point is skinny can be very good depending on how you carry yourself. I've always been skinny and getting women hasn't been an issue for me. hehe so far anyway.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the problem here is the word "skinny." If you say someone is lean or thin - it has a completely different connotation than saying that person is skinny. Another example would be calling someone big, callling them fat or saying they have "some meat on 'em." They all mean slightly different things. Being thin isn't a problem, and people who are thin shouldn't feel ashamed of being thin any moreso than any other body type - if that's what they want to be.

And as far as body types matter when you're fucking, I've always figured if you know how to fuck, then you know how to fuck - most other things concerning sex are inconsenquential - you're either good at it, or not. And your partner won't care WHAT body type you are if you're good. And if you're bad - well it doesn't matter what you look like.

Lessence said...

With that said, get to know me, I'll have ya liking skinny guys.